
The Real Enemies of ‘Democracy'

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

As Joe Biden faces declining support and enthusiasm, what were once whispers for him to drop out are getting louder and louder. At this point, I have no idea whether Democrats will succeed in forcing Biden to drop out, but I do know that if they do, it will prove that Democrats are the enemies of democracy.

Think about it. Should Biden choose to bow out, it would be because elected Democrats pressured him to do so. That tells us that they are willing to swap candidates whenever the political winds blow against them. 

If they do it in 2024, they will do it again.

Democracy thrives on the principle that the people's choice should be respected, whether it's in the primaries or the general election. By potentially changing their candidate mid-race, the Democrats would be undermining this core tenet. It's a clear signal that they prioritize winning at any cost over the integrity of the democratic process. This is the height of hypocrisy for a party that constantly touts itself as the defender of democracy.

The Democrats' lust for power is evident in their every move. Especially in the wake of the Capitol riot, they’ve preached about protecting democratic norms while plotting to undermine them whenever it suits their agenda. Of course, this is hardly news. Democrats have weaponized the justice system against Donald Trump; they’ve tried to remove him from the ballot; they even impeached him twice under false pretenses. 

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But trying to replace their candidate after he’s already secured the necessary delegates to win the party’s nomination is a whole new thing. This tactic is nothing short of an admission that Donald Trump has already defeated Joe Biden. Ousting him is unprecedented. 

But let’s look at the current situation from a different perspective.

At this point in the 2016 race, Hillary Clinton had a lead of almost 3 points in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average — roughly equivalent to Donald Trump’s current RCP average lead. The Republican Party, which was divided over Trump’s candidacy, didn’t try to remove Trump as its nominee.

At this point in the 2020 race, Joe Biden was riding high with a nearly 9-point lead in the RCP average. The polls literally predicted an insurmountable landslide. The Republican Party, once again, never even entertained the possibility of changing candidates.

Fast forward to today, and Donald Trump now holds a 3-point lead in the RCP average — roughly equivalent to Hillary's standing back in 2016, and many top Democrats are literally panicking and throwing in the towel.

Democrats don't just have a lust for power; they feel entitled to it. 

If Biden is forced to step down, it will be more than a strategic decision; it will be a declaration that the Democrats are the anti-democracy party.  They disrespect democracy so much that they will even undermine the will of their own voters.

If Democrats succeed in pushing Biden out, their actions will prove to everyone that they are more concerned with maintaining power than upholding the democratic values they claim to protect.


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