
The Best Choice to Be Donald Trump's Running Mate Is Obvious

AP Photo/John Locher

I almost hate to write this because I don't doubt that while plenty of readers will agree with me, there will be many who won't. But as someone who has been following various aspects of this election like a hawk, I have an educated opinion on which of the alleged shortlist of potential running mates would bring the most to the ticket for Donald Trump.

By now, you’ve heard that Trump’s campaign is reportedly in the final stages of selecting a potential running mate, reaching out to a handful of contenders. So, let's discuss the names that have been mentioned.

First, let me get into who I don't like.

Gov. Doug Burgum (R-N.D.) has popped up as a likely selection lately, which is a surprise. Aside from loyalty to Trump, what does he bring to the ticket? Nothing. He didn’t make anything resembling a splash in the GOP primaries and hails from a state where Trump is already going to win easily. Does the ticket need two wealthy businessmen on it? 

I've long believed that Trump would likely pick a woman to join his ticket, and given the way Democrats are hoping to make abortion an issue of the campaign, it probably would be smart for Trump to pick a woman. However, some of the likely female contenders have destroyed their chances of being on the ticket. 

Nikki Haley may have been a strong choice (for some), but her reluctance to end her failing campaign and endorse Trump killed her chances. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) proved that she wasn't ready for primetime with her GOP response to the State of the Union earlier this year, and Gov. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.)... well, we all remember how she destroyed her chances.

The only female on the list we've seen now is Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), her potential inclusion on the list couldn't underwhelm me more. Yes, she's a loyal Trump supporter, but she wasn't always, which means that her past criticisms of Trump could come back to haunt the campaign. Besides, having two native New Yorkers on the ticket doesn’t exactly provide the balance you want in a ticket.

Another underwhelming option is Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio). Sure, he's a Trump loyalist, but his appeal beyond that is limited. Ohio isn’t a make-or-break state for Trump, and Vance didn’t exactly shine in his last race. He’s better off staying put rather than risking his seat becoming vacant.

How about Ben Carson? Personally, I like him and his story, but I thought he was an underwhelming presidential candidate in 2016 and even more underwhelming as Trump's HUD Secretary. I think he's too soft-spoken to be the GOP's vice presidential candidate. 

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), however, would be a nice addition to the ticket. There's just one problem. He's from Florida. Trump officially changed his residency to Florida in 2019, and the 12th Amendment prohibits electors from voting for candidates from the same state. As much as I think Donalds has a great future in the GOP, that future doesn't include serving as Trump's running mate. Trump isn't going to change residency again to accommodate his running mate, and Donalds won't change either.

Of course, this also puts Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) out of the running. There's no doubt in my mind that Rubio would be a solid choice as Trump's running mate. He’s a reliable conservative and could help Trump appeal to Latino voters.

And that brings us to Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) In my opinion, he emerges as the standout choice. He’s been a vocal Trump supporter and knows how to handle the media. Anyone who follows 2024 election polling knows that Trump has made enormous strides with African American voters, and I believe Scott’s presence on the ticket could be a game-changer. 

Related: How the Black Vote Matters in 2024

Scott's inspiring story and track record make him a solid contender for the VP spot, and his presence on the ticket would also expose the rabid racism on the left. After he and other black Republicans spoke on the first night of the 2020 GOP Convention, their message so triggered leftists that “Uncle Tom” trended on Twitter. Frankly, I think the liberal media is most afraid of Trump picking Scott because they know he'll help seal the deal for a lot of African American voters who are considering voting for Trump.


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