Hunter Biden’s Daughter's Testimony Epically Backfires on Defense

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

I don’t doubt that Hunter's oldest daughter, Naomi, hoped to help her father convince jurors that he wasn't using drugs when he bought a gun in 2018 and lied a federal form by swearing he wasn't a drug user. I’m sure Hunter’s legal team thought it was a great idea too. And why not? Who better than his adult daughter to make him appear more sympathetic, right? Well, it turned out to be a gross miscalculation.


Why? Because the prosecution's line of questioning ultimately disproved her testimony claiming he wasn’t an addict at the time he purchased the gun. The prosecution introduced old text messages between Hunter and his daughter that painted a very different picture of the man compared to her testimony. The text messages made Hunter appear more like an erratic drug user than someone who was getting sober at the time.

Naomi testified that when she visited her father at a California rehab center in August 2018, he appeared the "clearest" he'd been since his brother Beau's death in 2015. She testified that she told her father she was "proud" of him and noted that he seemed "great" and "hopeful" when she saw him again in mid-October.

But, everything changed when the prosecution introduced text messages that contradicted her description of Hunter's state at that time, just days after he bought a gun in Delaware and claimed he wasn't using drugs. 

Related: Hunter's Ex Proves That Joe Biden Is a Lousy Human Being, Too

According to a report from Axios, Hunter’s legal was so caught off guard that they "scrambled in the aftermath of Naomi's testimony and unexpectedly withdrew a witness — likely the president's brother Jimmy, who was at the courthouse and was on the defense's list of possible witnesses."


Hunter's defense team lamely acknowledged his addiction but tried to show he had a period of sobriety from crack cocaine — not alcohol — around the time he bought the gun. Even if that were true, that’s a pretty lame defense.

Zoom in: Prosecutors revealed texts between Hunter and Naomi from when he was in New York City that week. Naomi was attending law school there.

  • Hunter texted his daughter to swap Joe Biden's black Cadillac for Hunter's Ford Raptor truck that Naomi had borrowed one evening. But Hunter was unresponsive to texts from his daughter until midnight and 2 a.m., the texts showed.

After a few days of back-and-forth, they switched vehicles but then Naomi asked if she was going to be able to see her father soon:

  • "So no c u!?," she texted, adding a sad emoji.
  • According to the text read aloud in court, she added: "I can't take this...I just miss you so much. I just want to hang out with you."
  • Hunter replied: "I am sorry I've been so unreachable. It is not fair to you."
  • Naomi, who admitted to being "nervous" and had a bottle of water brought to her after coughing, said she didn't recall certain texts but acknowledged that her meetings with Hunter then were often brief.

Hunter’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, has a solid reputation as a lawyer, yet, according to the report, he "appeared surprised by the text messages even though they were from within days of when Hunter allegedly bought the gun."

Axios added that, following Naomi’s testimony, Biden family members who were present for the trial "looked shaken and crowded into a small room for the defense team, which was so full of people they struggled to close the door."

Has Hunter Biden’s defense team even looked at what’s on the infamous laptop from hell, or are they still pretending it's Russian disinformation?


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