Joe Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Why He Picked Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. And now Joe Biden is admitting it publicly — like it's a good thing.

On Wednesday, Biden and Kamala Harris appeared together at a campaign event at Girard College in Philadelphia to kick off “Black Voters for Biden-Harris,” an initiative designed to help bolster support from black voters, as polls have indicated that Donald Trump has been gaining support from this critical, traditionally Democrat-leaning voting bloc.


That the event even took place tells you that Biden is concerned about not only black support in November but about losing Pennsylvania — where he is currently trailing in the polls to Trump. If Biden doesn't win Pennsylvania, it is extremely unlikely he can win the presidency.

Bring on the racial pandering.

To help make his pitch to black voters, Biden pushed DEI policies that have been initiated nationwide with such disastrous results that many businesses, schools, and states have been dropping those policies.

"To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally — and this is not kidding — the core strengths of America," he said. "That’s why I’m proud to have the most diverse administration in history that taps into the full talents of our country. And it starts at the top with the Vice President."

Related: It's Red Alert for Joe Biden in Minnesota

Ouch. Imagine being Harris listening to Biden admit she was a diversity hire. Of course, it's not exactly breaking news to anyone. Biden promised to pick a woman as his running mate and has made other selections for his administration and the judiciary based entirely on race and gender. And he admitted it.


"On Memorial Day, I proudly stood with a black man — the highest order — the first black Secretary of Defense; second black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; black woman heads of military units who are overseeing the most diverse, strongest fighting force in the history of the world," he announced.

The Biden administration is packed with people selected for their race, gender, or sexual orientation as opposed to their qualifications. 

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, for example, may have brought LGBT representation to Biden's cabinet — along with enough incompetence that we all know who the Transportation Secretary is. Biden's prioritization of identity politics has been so bad that he chose Richard "Rachel" Levine as Assistant Secretary of Health despite the fact he faced scandal for his COVID-19 policy in Pennsylvania and likely wouldn't have been picked if not for being transgender.


Biden didn't even try to hide the fact that he was making a choice based on race and gender when he nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Karine Jean-Pierre has been widely panned for her poor performance as White House Press Secretary but remains at her post at the podium because she is a black lesbian.

We've been calling out how Biden's administration is loaded with affirmative action picks from the beginning, but it is something to see him admit it, particularly as he attempts to woo black voters back into his column.


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