Mark Cuban Reveals Just How Badly He Has Drunk the Biden Kool-Aid

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

Last month, a billionaire businessman thoroughly embarrassed himself when he decided to virtue-signal his support for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies on social media. He claimed, without evidence, that people of different races, ethnicities, and orientations are routinely excluded from hiring consideration, even though it is literally illegal to do so. 


Despite insisting that diversity for diversity's sake makes everything better, he scoffed at the idea of making the Dallas Maverick's basketball team — of which Cuban is a minority owner — more diverse and inclusive, and failed hard to explain why that was "different."

Cuban should have just walked away with his tail between his legs and decided not to delve into political issues, but I guess he can't help himself and is a glutton for punishment. On Tuesday, Cuban blasted former President Donald Trump, dismissing him as a "snake oil salesperson" while justifying his support of Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

"I don't want a snake oil salesperson as president," Cuban told Axios. "I'm voting for Biden/Harris over Trump all day every day."

"It's the snake oil salesperson vs the incumbent, traditional politician," Cuban continued. "One will tell you his snake oil will cure everything that ails you. The other will show you the details of his policies through charts, graphs and statements."

Well, that's weird, Joe Biden was literally the guy who said that, if elected he would "shut down the [COVID] virus." And we all know how that worked out.


Curiously, Cuban's assessment of Biden was far more... how shall I say this? Insane. Cuban called Biden "precise and methodical and wants to sell the steak, not the sizzle."

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"Trump voters are happy with their snake oil, whether it works or not," Cuban claimed.

Let's see here: the economy was better under Trump, inflation was under control, gas was cheap, the border was secure, there were no new wars, and ISIS was defeated. Oh yeah, and he brokered a bunch of peace deals between Israel and several Arab nations.

Does Mark Cuban understand what snake oil is? Because he keeps using the phrase like he knows what means, but his recollection of the Trump years is not aligned with reality. There's a reason why Trump is leading in the polls, and voters trust him more on the issues that matter most in this election. Whatever he was selling worked.

Well, I hope that Cuban has invested in Kool-Aid because he's clearly drinking a lot of it. In fact, on Monday, Cuban told Bloomberg, "If they were having his last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still vote for Joe Biden."


Polls show that most voters, including a majority of Democrats, are incredibly concerned with Joe Biden's advanced again and mental decline.

Cuban similarly mocked Trump during the 2016 election, dismissing him as "that guy who’ll walk into the bar and say anything to get laid.” 

“That’s Donald Trump right now to a T," he continued. "But it’s all of us who are going to get f***ed.” 

Of course, that's not what happened, and most people acknowledge that things were better under Trump than under Biden. I guess when you're a billionaire, the realities of what it's like to live under Bidenomics aren't as big a deal.


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