
Is Nikki Haley Conservative?

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

After coming in third place in the Iowa caucuses, it’s make or break for Nikki Haley in New Hampshire next week. According to the polls, Haley arguably has a shot at coming in a close second in the Granite State, and the campaign is saying that she can win it.

What impact, if any, the Iowa caucuses will have on Haley’s chances in New Hampshire is hard to say, but the final two debates between Haley and DeSantis have been canceled after Haley declared she wouldn’t participate unless Donald Trump participated — which she knew she wouldn’t. 

Why would Nikki Haley bail on those debates? Well, obviously, after getting clobbered by Ron DeSantis in the last one, she can't possibly want to go through that again. Haley wants to keep the current dynamic of the race in New Hampshire the way it is, and she’s probably figured out that the debates aren’t helping her.

But she can’t run a campaign hiding from her record, and Tucker Carlson was more than willing to call her out for this, as well as the media for distorting her record.

"Haley's approval numbers among self-described conservatives remain remarkably high,” Carlson pointed out in his latest video on X/Twitter. 

“Why?” he asked. "Well, because she has been endlessly promoted on the news outlets they watch and read — thank you Wall Street Journal — but those outlets are not telling them the truth. Nikki Haley is not a conservative. That's not a slam on her. It's just a fact. Nikki Haley's a committed neoliberal."

Carlson wasn't about to make such a statement without bringing the receipts.

"For example, how many Republican primary voters support the wave of illegal immigration that's currently destroying our country? Not many do. But Nikki Haley does," Carlson pointed out. "'Illegal aliens are not criminals,' she once explained to her friends at the Aspen Institute. 'We can't disrespect them. How dare you disrespect them? We should give them amnesty.' Reid Hoffman agrees with that, and that may explain why he sent her so much money."

Troubled yet? There's more.

"Then there's the issue of BLM, consider that," Carlson continued. "Did Republican primary voters support the rioting and looting and killing that enveloped this country after George Floyd died three and a half years ago? They didn't seem to support it. But Nikki Haley did support it."

Carlson cited the following Nikki Haley tweet from 2020:

"Nikki Haley wrote that on Twitter as the fires were burning," Carlson noted. "Nikki Haley wanted the rest of us to suffer because some armed robber died of a drug O.D. after passing a counterfeit bill at a convenience store in Minneapolis."

Carlson went on to point out that Nikki Haley supports a blank check for Ukraine to fight its endless war with Russia, vaccine registries, and even the Green New Deal. And then, of course, are her recent flubs on free speech, transgender procedures on children, and the question "Can a man become a woman?"

If conservatives are looking for an alternative to Trump who's conservative, they should be voting for Ron DeSantis, not Nikki Haley.


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