
Biden Hasn’t Earned Reelection, and the Polls Show It

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

During a recent phone interview with CNN, Kamala Harris was asked to respond to recent polling showing that Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in both national hypothetical matchups and in battleground states. Harris, the most unpopular vice president in history, admitted that she and Biden have yet to prove that they deserve reelection.

“The president and I obviously have a lot of work to do to earn our re-election,” she admitted. "But I am confident we’re going to win."

“We’re going to have to earn our re-elect, there’s no doubt about it,” Harris conceded.

Well, according to the latest polls, they haven’t earned it yet. In fact, things aren’t going in the right direction for them. According to the latest Emerson Poll, Trump’s lead over Biden has increased.

The latest poll shows Trump ahead of Biden 47% to 43%, compared to 47% to 45% in October. Even worse for Joe Biden, the poll found that Trump’s four-point lead increases to six points when independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included. 

“Last November, Biden led Trump by four points, whereas this November, he trails Trump by four,” explained Spencer Kimball, executive director at Emerson College Polling. “Several key groups have shifted in the past year: Biden led at this time last year among women by seven points, which has reduced to a point this year.”

We’ve previously pointed out at PJ Media that Joe Biden has been bleeding support from nonwhite voters and young voters. 

The latest Emerson poll reveals significant shifts in support for Joe Biden compared to the previous year's national poll — all in the wrong direction for him. Among Black/African American voters, there has been a notable decrease from a +61 advantage in 2022 to +47 in 2023, a 15-point dive. Support among Hispanic/Latino voters has declined 11 points, going from +14 last year to +3 this year. Biden’s support from voters under 50 is now in negative territory, having declined 13 points, turning his +12 advantage a year ago into a -1 disadvantage today.

Furthermore, the poll found that Biden's support among four-year college graduates has experienced a substantial decline, moving from a +18 advantage to +2, a stunning 16-point shift.

Related: Will Joe Biden Abandon Israel?

Even more devastating for Biden is the enthusiasm gap. Emerson found that 46% of Trump voters reported being very excited compared to 29% of Biden voters.

So as Kamala Harris pointed out, she and Ol’ Joe have their work cut out for them, but I suspect they’re in for a rude awakening.

“It is absolutely right in a democracy with free and fair elections that the candidates, the people who want to continue in leadership, have to make their case and have to make it effectively,” Harris told CNN. “And that means communicating in such a way that the message is received about our accomplishments and what we care about.”

We’ve seen this before, where struggling Democrats blame their poor polling or election defeats on a failure to communicate, which is hilarious when the mainstream media is on their side and pushes their talking points like it’s their job. Democrats don’t even have to govern competently to have their message communicated to the public because the media will do it for them. 

The Biden administration doesn’t have a communication problem; it has a governing problem. Biden's policies are failing miserably, and there aren’t enough convincing talking points in the world that will make people forget how painful these policies have been.


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