Gingrich Warns That Biden’s Campaign Is Stronger Than We Think

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Joe Biden isn’t only old, but he’s also clearly cognitively impaired. Polls show that even a majority of Democrats didn’t want him to run again in 2024. His administration is plagued by scandals, be they personal scandals involving Biden himself or his corrupt and/or incompetent cabinet. He doesn’t exactly have much of a record to run on either. Inflation remains a problem, the border crisis continues, and crime runs rampant…


Yet according to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Biden’s campaign is stronger than Republicans think and thus should not be underestimated.

“The more I watch the polls and follow the methodical steps of the Biden team, the more I am convinced that we are underestimating Biden’s strength,” writes Gingrich. “A great deal of our underestimation comes from a deep misunderstanding of the nature of the modern Democrat Party.”

The Democrat Party in its modern form (at least as far back as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt) has always been a coalition of different interest and ideological groups. FDR held together Southern segregationists and African American Congressmen from Chicago. He attracted hard core anti-Communists and Communist sympathizers (like his second Vice President Henry Wallace).

While the Republican Party has relied on issues and speeches to hold itself together, the Democrats have relied on their allies’ blatant self-interest. Like the movie “Jerry McGuire,” their battle cry is “show me the money.”

Coalitions are created on the principle that one group will support another group’s goals – so long as there is reciprocation.

Gingrich points to trial lawyers, labor unions, environmental activists, racial activists, and sexual-gender activists as key parts of Biden’s coalition, readily willing to scratch each other’s backs to share “the spoils of government.”

“Everyday Republicans tend to be the party of free enterprise, small business, and people who just want to be left alone. They don’t tend to have a real appreciation of the power of trillions of dollars in spending which holds together a coalition unbound by principle other than greed for tax dollars,” explains Gingrich. “So, seen from the values and interests of the left, Biden has been an outstanding president. He is not inept or incompetent. He’s faithfully exercising the liberal agenda. He is spending far more on the environment than any previous president. He is shoveling money to union contracts and changing regulators and government agencies to favor unions and undermine management.”


In other words, Biden’s presidency has been endless pandering to the interest groups that are the real powerbrokers of the Democrat Party — this is why Biden is actually stronger than Republicans give him credit for.

“Republicans may be right about Biden’s weaknesses in a general election,” Gingrich observes, “but they are clearly underestimating the President’s strength in his own party.”


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