Woman Who Says Joe Biden Sexually Assaulted Her Reacts to His Campaign Announcement

AP Photo/Donald Thompson

Joe Biden has a well-documented history of inappropriate behavior with young women — and even little girls. But one of the most serious accusations came from Tara Reade in 2019, when she revealed publicly that Joe Biden touched her inappropriately while she worked as a staffer in his Senate office in 1993. According to Reade, Biden would place his hand on her shoulder and run his finger up her neck, causing her to freeze until he stopped. Later on, in March 2020, Reade expanded on her accusations, claiming that Biden sexually assaulted her by pinning her against a wall, kissing her, and touching her under her shirt and skirt.


On Tuesday, Tara Reade reacted to Biden’s campaign announcement.

“Joe Biden announced he is running for President today for 2024. Someone asked me how I felt,” she tweeted. “How would you feel? My monster is now America’s monster. This is the year NOT to vote blue no matter who. And to the other candidates running that may not win, if you end up endorsing Joe Biden just to hold power, that will put you on the wrong side of history, forever.”

It’s deeply concerning that there has been a shocking disregard among the left for the allegations of his inappropriate behavior towards women, including the credible accusations of sexual assault. Reade told her mother, her brother, and a close friend about the incident after it happened and even attempted to file a complaint at the time. But Biden’s loyal staff protected him.

In fact, Reade’s allegations have far more credibility than those of Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in high school. No one was able to corroborate Ford’s story, and her lawyers attempted to pressure one of her witnesses to alter their account. During her testimony, Ford stated that she was given a ride home from the party, but she was unable to identify the driver, and no one came forward claiming to have given her a ride.


In all likelihood, Ford may have been assaulted in the mid-’80s but modified the assault’s timeline to 1982 to allege that it occurred during Kavanaugh’s high school years. However, this adjustment means that she would have been too young to drive, creating a significant discrepancy in her narrative.

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One crucial piece of evidence that supported Reade’s claims was a clip from Larry King Live, in which Reade’s mother called anonymously seeking advice on how to handle a situation involving a prominent U.S. senator without going public. The clip resurfaced in April 2020, confirming the authenticity of Reade’s claim.


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