BREAKING: J6 Committee Issues Subpoena to Trump — But Will He Ever Testify?

AP Photo/Chris Seward

Last week, the increasingly irrelevant J6 Committee voted unanimously to subpoena President Trump for testimony. In a move I suspect the committee didn’t anticipate, Trump expressed his willingness to do so.


The committee issued the to President Trump on Friday. The committee is requesting that Trump appear before them and present records about his actions on that day — though it’s debatable whether Trump will ever appear before the committee.

“If the committee truly wanted to compel Trump’s testimony, it should have subpoenaed him in 2021,” constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley noted last week. “Yet liberals celebrated the committee’s belated move as a ‘bombshell ending’ instead of asking why it had not been a bombshell beginning.”

Trump is requested to appear before the committee by November 14.

It is conceivable that they don’t actually want him to testify. Is there any other rationale for their timing, just weeks before the midterm elections, when the Republican Party is widely predicted to gain control of the House and eventually disband the transparently partisan J6 Committee?

Trump himself has expressed a willingness to appear before the committee. “Despite very poor television ratings, the Unselect Committee has perpetuated a show trial the likes of which this country has never seen before. There is no due process, no cross-examination, no ‘real’ Republican members, and no legitimacy since you do not talk about Election Fraud or not calling up the troops,” Trump wrote in a letter to the committee last week after they voted unanimously to subpoena him.


“It is a witch hunt of the highest level, a continuation of what has been going on for years. You have not gone after the people that created the fraud, but rather great American Patriots who questioned it, as is their Constitutional right,” he continued. “These people have had their lives ruined as your Committee sits back and basks in the glow. The people of this Country will not stand for unequal justice under the law, or Liberty and Justice for some. Election Day is coming. We demand answers on the Crime of the Century.”

But that doesn’t mean the testimony will ever happen. In addition to having Trump appear before the committee, the J6 Committee also requested various documents and communications. Despite Trump’s willingness to testify, it is unlikely that the request for these materials won’t meet resistance, and the committee could be disbanded by the Republican majority before any agreement can be made.


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