
The GOP's Post-Roe Messaging Strategy on Abortion

AP Photo/Eric Schultz

This term, the Supreme Court is set to weigh in on Dobbs. v. Jackson—the most significant abortion case in decades that could, some believe, change the legality of abortion in the United States.

Naturally, the left is terrified. When they’re not sexualizing children or brainwashing them, they seem content to snuff them out as easily as swatting at a mosquito biting your arm. It’s big business for the left that keeps Democrats in Congress well funded. In turn, these lawmakers reward abortion providers with taxpayer dollars.

While the Democrats’ position on abortion has become increasingly radical and out of the mainstream, a majority in this country still support abortion rights… albeit with some limitations. As such, House Republicans are “are gearing up for a messaging battle over abortion and the next phase of the pro-life movement,” according to National Review, which has obtained a memo from the Republican Study Committee hinting at what that messaging will be.

“Our message is clear, there is dignity and value in every human life from conception to natural death,” the memo reads. “We will celebrate every opportunity to protect life, share science-backed truth of the humanity of unborn babies, and support unborn babies, mothers, and families in our communities as we fight for a culture of life in the U.S.”

The memo also notes that if the Supreme Court does bring the issue of abortion back to the states and their respective legislatures, most Americans will support that.

Related: The Right Is Slowly Winning the War on Abortion 

“By a 2 to 1 margin, Americans want abortion policy to be set by elected leaders, and not unelected judges. 71% of Americans support legal limits on abortion. Only 7% of Millennials share the position of the Democratic Party platform: abortion-on-demand, through all nine months, paid for by taxpayers.”

The memo also points out that Democrats are way out of the mainstream with Americans on abortion. “Today’s Left believes in a position even more extreme than Roe: taxpayer-funded abortion, on demand, until birth,” the memo notes. In fact, America is “one of seven countries in the world that permit elective abortion past 20 weeks,” and 90 percent of countries have restrictions on abortions that America does not.

Similarly, the memo notes that Americans support the Hyde amendment, which prevents abortions from being paid for by tax dollars.

Another argument by the left that the memo refutes is that the pro-life movement doesn’t support mothers. But, data shows it’s the other way around. “Even data from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute shows that the risk of a mother dying from an abortion rises exponentially [by more than 2,200%] between the 8th and 18th week of her pregnancy,” the memo explains. “Pushes for increased use of chemical abortion and chemical abortion pills distributed by mail have put more pregnant mothers at serious medical risk. Data shows that ‘abortion-related emergency room visits following a chemical abortion increased over 500% from 2002 through 2015.'”

Perhaps the best approach for the GOP in winning the messaging war on abortion is to start with calling for restrictions with majority support, namely bans on late-term abortions. As I’ve pointed out multiple times, polling shows that while Americans generally support abortion rights, most Americans support restrictions, and support for abortion decreases with each trimester. If abortion rights are soon going to be left to the states to decide, it would be wise to get Democrats on record in opposition to restrictions that the majority support. 


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