5 Metal Classics That Evoke the Coming Midterms

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“We can’t let that happen,” said President Trump at the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner. Indeed, a conservative and center-right nation cannot allow the corrupt, scandal-ridden Democrats to get anywhere near the national levers of power.


There’s a midterm election coming, and some influential conservatives, like radio talker and Fox News host Mark Levin, are predicting a Blue Wave that will “shellac” the power nexus currently held by the Republican Party. If motivated Leftists turn out in force for the Democrats, everything good that has come since President Trump’s election will be jeopardized.

They may already be jeopardized. There is great dissension in the GOP ranks over a bloated, business-as-usual omnibus spending bill. At the time of this submission, Trump is expected to sign it (update: he did), a move many on the right believe portends the typical midterm reversal for the out-of-power party.

We can also expect the most awful, subversive narratives pushed by the far-left Democrat base will keep rearing their ugly heads as the election season unfolds — like Hillary Clinton’s comments about women voters submitting to male counterparts on Election Day. So the old “better than the alternative” trope may rise to save Republican hides once again.

The progressive party has been catastrophically defeated by a Trump-enlivened GOP. If they regain even a smidgen of power, imagine the acts of revenge from Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and an emboldened Elizabeth Warren. “Cryin’” Chuck Schumer will be grinning ear-to-ear.

It’s time to suit up for the rapidly approaching conflict.


The five militant hard rock/metal classics below provide insight about the superior strategery and killer instincts needed to repel the angry Democrats and their plan to destroy America.

“Rock Soldiers” — Frehley’s Comet   

After Ace Frehley thrilled battalions of the KISS Army with crunch-laden rhythm tracks and drill-baby solos, he put together his own squad — Frehley’s Comet — and hit stages from coast to coast.

“Rock Soldiers” is the singular tune from this enterprise. Similar in design to other E-chord rockers, the tune stands out for its ultra-fat dual Les Paul attack and “Devil Went Down to Georgia”-reminiscent narrative. A searing single note riff divides the verse stanzas.

If Republicans aren’t able to muster a superior number of “vote soldiers” by late October 2018, they’ll be headbanging to a different tune led by deranged feminists, tax-cut chiselers, and rabid multi-culturalists.

“Teutonic Terror” — Accept

Hailing from Deutschland and breaking bad-ass with “Balls to the Wall” in 1983, Accept has stayed the course and stayed relevant as hard rock’s fortunes fell on hard times. In 1987 they parted company with original lead vocalist Udo Dirkschneider. After a few reunions and a replacement singer, in 2009 they hired leather-lunged New Jersey native Mark Tornillo.

In “Teutonic Terror,” Tornillo belts out a paean to the territorial aggression that cuts a swath through the annuls of Germanic history. The Gotterdammerung-evincing lead guitar of Wolf Hoffmann (on the tank) reaches Wagnerian heights.


Like the barbarian hordes in “TT,” the Democrats are coming. They’re furious with the president and every deplorable that voted for him. It is imperative that Republicans don’t sit back and wait. The best defense is a good offense.

“Warriors of the World” — Manowar

They’re an American band, and the expressions on their faces (especially bassist Joey DeMaio, geesh!) in this metal opus offer portraiture of the martial resolve needed to prevent Marxists from turning back the clock on our national recovery.

The code of the warrior transcends nations, but what’s needed now is more than a few good nationalists and a Red Wave of never-say-die political combatants.

You’ll be forgiven a wry smile when lead vocalist Eric Adams starts singing about his horse, but don’t forget the mission; keep your s*** wired tight.

“War Ensemble” — Slayer

The battle for control of the national government will be brutal. Political objectives will be reached at the cost of mass electoral casualties. Slayer’s got the gestalt covered.

As reported during the First Iraq War, Slayer was the go-to soundtrack for U.S. soldiers and airmen. Listening to “War Ensemble,” it’s easy to see why. From the accelerated main riffage to the over-the-top breakdown mid-song, the effect speaks to pitched battle and the turning of tides.

Considering the Democrats’ seething resentment and willingness to deploy scorched-earth tactics, conservative response must be decisive. To paraphrase General Patton, the goal is not to go down swinging for your party, it’s to make sure the other SOB goes down swinging for his or her party.


“Trooper” — Iron Maiden

“You take my life, but I’ll take yours too”

“You fire your musket but I’ll run you through”

Who will be the last candidate standing? Which policy positions and executive decisions will carry the day, and which will be obliterated?

Iron Maiden broke the mold with this amped-up ode to Tennyson’s Crimean War epic poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” Guitar harmonics clash like swords and the drum track by Nicko McBrain provides the rumble of cannons on array.

With the Ides of March behind us and a summer of discontent on the horizon, opposing armies are massing. Republicans hold the fort, but who can tell the fortunes of war?


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