PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web — July 28

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 The lazy days of summer are flying by, but we are certainly trying to squeeze the fun out of each day! Lots of exciting reading this week on the Web — I hope you enjoy!



I found this beautiful and candid blog recently and have been devouring it. Pull up a chair, grab a beverage, and take a deep breath.

I look around me at my sisters and brim up with so many unsaid longings, so many unspoken comparisons that will only end in me feeling resigned to my life instead of appreciative of it.

I don’t want to feel resigned, sisters.

I do want to feel my heart pulse out joy in its lub-dub. I do want to be happy for you, the woman in great shape, and you, the woman with a lovely home, and you, the woman who can homeschool her brood of little sweeties.

Here comes the big bow to wrap this all up, sisters. I get to choose. I get to choose to be appreciative that despite my failings and struggles, my life is one ignited by the deep flame of God’s love for me. No matter what, that will never leave me. I choose joy and I choose gritty real life. They’re not incompatible. They’re my best choices that lead me to be a bigger vessel for love for those around me.

Check out Whole Parenting Family.


I’m actually making this recipe for a huge family dinner tonight!

Follow Mix and Match Mama.


I thought this was a really neat idea! Making a big deal about a school year starting can set the tone for the year ahead, and make it an exciting event to look forward too, instead of dread!

Follow the adventure here, at Marci Coombs.


I don’t know about you, but my kids could snack all day. I mean, ALL DAY, PEOPLE! Having a snack basket around will be really helpful, and keep my sane.


Little Dairy on the Prairie


Friends, this is post is what it’s all about. I needed to read this and then read it again. A great reminder that my priorities are important, but it’s more important to keep those priorities right in front of me.

I don’t have to do that every day, but every day has hard things: having the uncomfortable conversation, telling your kiddo no when she really wants a yes, excusing yourself from that gathering you did not even want to be invited to in the first place, sharing the things you care about with the people in your life.

But as we learn to listen to what we need, we learn to listen for what others need, too. Having compassion for yourself teaches you to have compassion for everyone. It’s not either/or; it’s both/and.

All of which makes me think we need to practice being brave and doing the hard things. So where do we find that everyday courage?

Erica Layne


Enjoy your weekend!

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