PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—1/13


We are enjoying the calm of winter.  There is no better excuse to stay indoors than cold weather.  Getting back into the swing of life after the holidays has been difficult, and getting the house back in order has also been difficult!  But, we are finally feeling like we’ve got our groove back!



I’m telling you, I’m not one for New Year’s Resolutions normally.  But, I find the older I get, and the more kids we have, the more I need some encouragement and a reminder of what I wanted to accomplish in the year besides just keeping everyone alive.  I think I listed every single resolution idea from the blog below on my list.  You won’t regret reading this one!

…Nevertheless, the fact remains that the more grateful your kids are, the happier they’ll be their whole life through – and to me that’s something worth shouting from the rooftops.... Think about how you want to spend your downtime. Weekends, evenings and vacations can be opportunities for adventure, but we often lose them in front of the TV because we fail to plan… make a bucket list of the fun you want to have as a family — then get those ideas on the calendar.


Get more ideas at Modern Parents Messy Kids.


This sweet mom shares what every mom of multiples needs to hear—how to stay somewhat sane in the little years.  Just three short pieces of advice.  I like it when other moms don’t take mothering too seriously; it makes me feel so much more comfortable in my own mothering!

It’s not always super fun to take multiple kids to the park (or is it ever fun? am I the worst? yes) but it we made a daily habit of taking long walks and sometimes runs around the neighborhood. When Theo came along we lucked out and found a discontinued triple jogger and the tradition continued. I had my weather standards but we’d bundle up when it was tolerable and everyone came back home feeling a little less crazy (or maybe that was just me).



Follow Camp Patton for more entertaining encouragement.


I do most of my reading at night, well after I tuck my littles into bed.  But, after I read this post, I went upstairs and snuggled with my babies for just a little while.  What will they remember most about their childhood?  Am I taking the time to make the memories that will stick?

Maybe 2017 isn’t about making drastic changes, setting elaborate goals, or overhauling our lives – maybe 2017 is about returning to our original form …. returning to what we already know … returning to love.

Find more from Rachel at Hands Free Mama.


I love free things. I love yearly planners.  It must have something to do with there always being a fresh start in a new planner.  But, you can imagine my surprise when I stumbled across this FREE planner- and it’s beautiful to boot!

You won’t mind planning your year and your goals with this beauty.


Follow the Handmade Home.


This is just a beautiful story, to remind you of the beauty in the world.  This family tree was crafted out of love, and an appreciation for where this family came from.  It will warm your heart.

But that wasn’t all.

My wonderful, incredible, creative sister wasn’t done.

She had one more surprise.

Layered into the trees were the most amazing letters of all.


Tiny letters cut out from where it all started.

Where it all began so many years ago.

The notes and sketches and confidences written by our grandparents and sent from Box 54.

The very foundation for our family tree and the beginning….

…of the pages of our lives.”


Follow Thistlewood Farms for more beautiful things.


I’d love to hear how your weekend went.

Share your ideas with us in the comments section, on our Facebook page, or tag us on Instagram with our handle @PJ_Media. You can also tweet them to us on Twitter @PJ_Parenting.



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