PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—12/8

Nancy Pelosi

And just like that, it’s less than three weeks before Christmas. Since our tree has been up for quite a while, I have been enjoying the cold mornings in a quiet house (for about five minutes before the kids creep downstairs!) with the magical lights flickering.  There’s no hiding it; I turn into a kid at Christmas time. Here’s hoping you can take a moment to savor the magic this weekend.



Simple, pretty and delicious. Sounds like a perfect gift to throw together for the babysitter, teachers, the postman, really anyone you like. I bet you have the ingredients on hand!mix-ingredients-with-a-whisk-clean-mama

Follow Clean Mama for more recipes and tips.


It’s the season for soup!  Chilly weather always seems more cozy with an arsenal of delicious recipes ready to be made. Jules, over at The Stone Soup, has already made the list of cozy food for you! I’ll be making at least three of these next week.


Follow, The Stone Soup, for more recipes.


My husband and I are always looking for good date night in options. This looks pretty delicious. A simple, yet elegant excuse to relax with someone you love and savor the season.


Head over to A Cozy Kitchen for more delicious inspiration.


The honesty and bluntness in this story is refreshing and made me feel so much better about my attempts to do family dinners at the table and not in front of a movie.  Not only does Brittany tell her story, she gives you lots of recipes to start your own family dinner plan.

We didn’t do them (family dinners) on the regular for the first 4 1/2 years of Hailey’s life. I got multiple comments on how I was doing my kids a disservice but the truth is, no one’s life is picture perfect. Sometimes one (or both) parent works late or travels. Sometimes a parent works a late shift. Kids sometimes have activities that start at 6:00 pm. Life is messy and complicated, so love your kids, spend time with them and do what works for you.”



Follow Brittany over at A Healthy Slice of Life.


I needed to read this and be reminded to do less and enjoy more moments.

“First, I guess we should figure out what the most important parts of this season are for each of us. When you think of the holidays, what do you value the most? Time with family? Drinking tea in front of a cozy fireplace? Baking your favorite treats?

What makes your heart swell with holiday spirit? Do more of that…and less of everything else.”


Follow The Art of Simple for more quick and poignant reads on life and living.


Enjoy your weekend savoring the moments that make the memories!

Share your ideas with us in the comments section, on our Facebook page, or tag us on Instagram with our handle @PJ_Media. You can also tweet them to us on Twitter @PJ_Parenting.



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