PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—11/17

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Let the holiday season begin! In the midst of an already hectic schedule, I am so grateful that we get to look forward to a season of celebrating the family and friends that make us enjoy life a little more!



Sometimes in the hustle and bustle, I just need someone to tell me what to do and what I need to plan for! I was so happy to run across this list from Erika at tabanderika.blogspot.com, which took the guesswork out of planning and saved a little brain power on my end!

“Remember the REASON for the SEASON-Amidst the hustle and bustle all the Christmas season brings, it can easily slip our minds the real reason we’re celebrating. I’ll be doing everything I can this year to remind my people why we’re having so much fun and making special memories.
“For today in the city of David, there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11”



If I anticipate the flu spreading like wildfire through my home, it won’t come, right? That’s the theory, but either way, I’ll be prepared! Homemade cough drops, shower melts, and ginger popsicle’s to help with sore throats are genius! And unlike most DIY recipes, these from Handmade Charlotte are actually doable!



Even if the ideas in this article by Janssen at Modern Parents Messy Kids weren’t smart, the idea that I’m not the only mom with little ones having trouble carving out some alone time to read was refreshing to hear. Sometimes you just need to know you’re not alone before you can make any changes!

“Reading books on my own, however, takes significantly more effort to make happen. This past year, I’ve made some changes to my routines in order to spend more quality time reading since living my best life means making time for a good read. Here are five tricks for fitting in more reading, no matter how busy your life is. Bonus points if you read with a mug of hot cocoa.”




This one is filled with simple, short and attainable activities to do with your kids (did I mention, simple?).  I’m the guilty mom who realizes the week of Thanksgiving that the plans I had at the beginning of October never got started. This article from Angela Richter at The Better Mom was an encouraging reminder that our attitude of gratitude doesn’t stop just because Thanksgiving is over!



This recipe from Nicole Cook at Crazed Mom is a Hamilton Family favorite. Made with four ingredients,  I’m always asked for this recipe. I’m sorry that you will now be addicted to what we affectionately call, Reindeer Food.  Good luck not eating the whole batch yourself.  Better make two, just to be safe.



We would love to see your holiday inspirations, especially those you’ve worked on with your kids. Share your ideas with us in the comments section, on our Facebook page,  or tag us on Instagram with our handle @PJ_Media. You can also tweet them to us on Twitter @PJ_Parenting. Happy Thanksgiving!


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