PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—10/14

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The weather is crisp and lovely and we spent two days this week picking more apples than I know what to do with! It’s apple everything for us. And I don’t mind a bit. With the cool weather, I also find myself switching out everyone’s summer clothes for sweaters and jeans—only to discover these little munchkins have grown 3 inches from the last season!



I stumbled across this older post while I was trying to find good ways to use up all these apples!  Christy’s recipe is just the best (and it’s gluten free!).  This is now a staple in our freezer.  Pour into quart-size bags and freeze for the frosty nights ahead. The perfect side dish or topping for ice cream.


Head over to Christy Jordan’s Southern Plate for more delicious recipes!


I feel like I should apologize and say you’re welcome for this recipe for mini-bourbon apple pies. What a delightful treat to share with family and friends on a crisp, fall evening. Enjoy the beauty and inspiration over at  A Couple Cooks.



This article hit home for me, since I have been trying to get into a good morning habit for years now. Maybe I’ll give it a chance, and maybe I’ll be surprised at the results.

What do you do in the morning?

At the same time, I do see a tremendous benefit in starting my day with a few moments to pray, to read a brief Scripture, and to quiet my thoughts before the chaos. I don’t really need to elaborate on this, because if you have ever been awakened by a screaming child demanding breakfast, well, you know exactly what I mean about starting the day right.”




I don’t think I’ve ever resonated with an article more than this one.  Just this past Sunday, I was thinking the very same thing, ‘When do I get a break? When is my day of rest as a Mom?’ Liz Wann at Desiring God writes:

Like the lines from the hymn above, motherhood can feel like an endless wandering through seemingly meaningless activities. I’m prone to wander through the wilderness of dirty diapers, bite-sized table food, potty-training, and disrupted sleep. I can relate to the Israelites wandering in their literal wilderness. How long until I can enter the Promised Land of freedom and rest? Will it be the boring chores of manna and quail forever? Can I get to that permanent place of milk-and-honey alone time?”



Erica Layne at Let Why Lead:

“Many of us juggle so much. We’re keeping kids alive and trying our best to raise them how we want to. We’re helping them foster their interests while we try desperately not to forget our own. We’re working outside of the home or from within the home or a continually changing combo of the two. We’re clocking minute after minute of exercise as we try to get our “pre-baby” bodies back. (And we’re spending plenty of mental energy wondering if that’s even possible.) We’re trying to keep our marriages vital and we’re volunteering at church and school. Half out of necessity and half out of a deeply held desire, we’re nurturing our friendships and trying to be there for our people.


It’s a lot.

But worse, it all feels important.”



How did you spend your weekend?



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