PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—9/16

Law enforcement officials work following an explosion near New York's Times Square on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)


As I write my link-up this week, I’m packing for a family vacation and cleaning the house.  We have been looking forward to this vacation for 6 months!


Hope your schedules are getting filled with all the fun that fall brings!


 I love coffee. I’ll admit it, I’m an addict.  Enjoy the 20 variations of coffee for busy moms over at the kids activities blog!



I love fall, with the crisp weather, football and lazy meals that can just simmer all day. This easy beer chili is a delicious addition to your meal plan for the weekend!


Follow the adventures of the Massey family.


This beautiful reminder from Clover Lane to be ever-present with our little ones was a great encouragement to this tired and worn mama.

I wonder if she feels lonely today, I hope she doesn’t, I hope she knows deep in her heart the difference she is making in those children, her incredible importance in being there all those days, every day, putting herself aside and finding joy in those little ones even just a glimpse in those hard days.  I hope she knows how much her children are learning being with her, their mother, at the store, or wherever she goes and how much she is strengthening that bond of trust. I hope she knows how fast this stage will be over, and how plentiful the rewards will be knowing that she gave it her all and saw every stage and sweet moment.  I hope she knows she will look back on the tight budget with nostalgic fondness, wondering how she did it and feel pride that her and her husband made it work.  I know she will not regret one thing that she couldn’t purchase or had to put off till later-she traded that for moments that can’t be bought. “




It’s true, my need for deep friendship is so different from my husband’s.  We just seem to need the support, and the knowledge that we aren’t alone!

When they are good, there is nothing quite as soul-restoring as an hour or two spent with a true friend–someone who knows you inside and out, and accepts and loves you, imperfections and all.  And yet, when friendships are weak or superficial or based on competition and insecurity, there is nothing quite as painful.”



What a great way to preserve those beautiful leaves for the season! From No Time for Flashcards:



How did you relax this weekend?



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