PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—8/19

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Happy Back to School! It’s that time again.  New pencils, clean notebooks, and the excitement of a whole year of adventure in front of you. I love this season. I also love that we homeschool and I don’t have to be the angry parent in line at Target, fuming because they can’t find 5 two-pocket folders in the right shade of green. Parents, I raise my coffee cup to you—you are a stronger than I am.



After the first week of school, everyone is drained. We “officially” start on Monday, so I am looking forward to planning some of the Family Nights suggested below to give us all something to look forward too!

This is what I love about family nights! They are an intentional activity that helps you get quality family time in and it doesn’t have to be expensive!  I would recommend that you schedule it on your calendar just like you would any activity, otherwise it won’t happen!  It doesn’t have to be weekly, once a month is perfect!  Also remember it doesn’t have to be Pinterest worthy, just simple things that help you spend quality time with your children!”

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I was so encouraged to read some fresh parenting ideas from Amber over at Mother of Knights. And I am especially looking forward to making #1 and #3 a habit in our home.

As a mom, I see this played out in my home all the time. When I become caught up in the everyday aspects of life, it’s easy for me to function in “damage control” mode with my kids. I traverse through my day putting out one fire and then another, never feeling very successful and certainly not feeling like my parenting is meaningful.


But when I am proactive, preventing fires before they begin, my parenting changes for the better and so does the tone and spirit of my home. Having a more peace-filled home requires that I “put in” the creativity, intention, and hard work required to have the best possible outcome.




If you have little ones in your home, you will understand this blog post from Mommy’s Me Time. You will laugh, maybe tear up and raise your coffee cup in silent understanding of the morning this mom of 4 has endured. It’s just nice to know I’m not the only one living in complete chaos, and loving almost every minute.

It’s 7:55am and you realize that you’ve basically already put in a full day of work. At first you feel defeated. How in the WORLD are you going to get through the rest of the day? But then you remember something. You smell like poop, your house is a MESS, and your husband is STILL looking for underwear, but you are with your people, and there is no place in the world you’d rather be.


Chaos is your life, and your LIFE is blessed.”



Need some fun lunch packing ideas? Here’s a fresh take on some modern conveniences from iheartnaptime.net.

Wouldn’t you like an encouraging note in your lunch?



This is just for fun. Our family really enjoyed watching the swimming portion of the Rio Olympics last week. So, you can imagine that this carpool karaoke was a huge hit! Hope you enjoy it too!


Have a great weekend!

Let us know what you’re up to!



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