PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web This Week—7/15

With July half over, we are soaking up all the sun and pool time while we can. Spending lots of time dreaming about new adventures for the school year and spending just as much time filling the last of summer’s days. This week we’ve had out-of-town family to keep us busy, as well as preparing for a trip to Wisconsin to spend some time relaxing with our much loved “Boston Family.”


Here’s to summer. Hope it holds endless adventures.


Great reminders for anyone moving to a new state or just a new home.

At first, being the new girl in the land of the mouse was everything I had hoped. I loved the sunshine, career opportunities, and social circles. I met scores of people my first week in the city and had countless invitations to join Bible studies, prayer circles, book clubs, and other activities. During my inaugural month in Orlando I visited every theme park twice, attended three concerts, and brought a side dish to more brunches than I can remember.

I loved the attention that came with being the new girl, but as routine set in I realized that real friendships require intention.”



This article kept popping up in my newsfeed this week.  I find it to be a perfect explanation of where I am in life.  I could’ve highlighted the whole article and put it here.  You don’t want to skip this one.  Be encouraged.

This stage of life is less and less about watching your friends get married and have babies, and more and more about standing by and witnessing your friends struggle in their marriage, and even get divorced. It’s a stage where you’ve got to put in the time and the effort and the work and the energy to make sure your OWN marriage stays healthy. And that’s good, but it’s hard, too.  At this point, you or someone you know has experienced infertility. Miscarriages. Loss of a child…It’s a stage where you are struggling with identity. Is my entire identity “mommy”? Is there anything even left of me that isn’t about mothering? Is there something more glamorous I could have/should have done with my life? I LOOK like a mom now, don’t I? I totally do.”




We are headed to the beach in September, and I can not lie, the combination of sand and my 18 month old has me a little nervous.  I loved these great ideas from Awestruck, and I’m looking forward to keeping the sand on the beach, and out of everything else!

Almost Perfect Beach Hacks

Sun's out, fun's out! Reliving our weekend festivities with these easy, breezy, (almost) perfect beach hacks.

Posted by Awestruck on Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Have you ever thought about doing freezer meals?  For a while, three friends and myself would compile a list of recipes, and I would sit down and multiply the ingredients times four families, then head to the grocery and pray I got the math right.  It was a lot of fun, but I was so burned out from all the work that it wasn’t enjoyable.  Fast forward a couple years, add two more kids to our nest and then homeschooling.  I needed help with my meal planning. Enter: Once a Month Meals .  They have many menus for different dietary needs, and you can swap out recipes that don’t sound good.  But, the best part: the game plan is all mapped out for you!  Grocery lists, what recipe to cook first, and even the labels to print off.  Folks, this has been a lifesaver for me.  (And, no, this isn’t a paid advertisement!)  Check out Once a Month Meals, it may be the difference between enjoying meals and enduring them!




This is brillant!!! Why didn’t I think of this!  Game changer for snack portability.

Spill-Proof Jars | Summer Survival Hacks

No crumbs = happy mom.

Posted by Babble on Monday, July 11, 2016


Welcome to your weekend.

We’d love to hear your thoughts, ideas or suggestions.



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