This Week's Top Parenting Links—5/13

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I love the beauty of this time of year, especially combined with the busyness. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the monotony of sports practice, nightly dinners and heaps of laundry. We look forward to the weekends to recharge and reconnect with our loved ones. Hope your weekend holds some relaxation for you and yours!



Mornings are not my thing. Can I get an Amen? And, being a homeschooling mama, I am always looking for ways to get my kids, and myself, in a great mindset before really starting our school day. This was a really neat idea from Jessica, over at Edsnapshots, to set the right mood and make your mornings meaningful!

To say I enjoy singing in our Morning Time would be an understatement. I am absolutely passionate about teaching my children the great music of our faith. Morning Time is the perfect place to do this; we always begin our day with a Psalm, hymn, or spiritual song.”


Also, check out the Morning Basket. Thanks Edsnapshot!


Every year that passes, I gain more and more appreciation for all the ways my blessed mother sacrificed for us! Seriously, mom’s do it all! And while we don’t do it perfectly, 100% of the time, we sure do try!

Mother’s Day is special to me because being a Mom changed my life to [one] that I never could have imagined. But also because I am blessed by the many Moms I know who show me everyday what real love is.
Mother love–there is nothing like it.”


Head over to Ma and Pa Modern for more inspiration.


My sweet kiddos got me some delicious loose-leaf tea for Mother’s Day! So, I’m on a tea kick right now. Can’t wait to try a couple of these recipes from the over the weekend!

I’ve recently come to the realization that I have far too much tea in my pantry. Impossible, you say! Turns out tea really doesn’t keep well forever, and I have so much stocked up that it’s doubtful I’ll get through it all before it loses its freshness. I especially find myself with too many plain and simple black tea bags that I buy in bulk for fear of running out, but then just never do. So I took to the kitchen to figure out just what to do with all the excess.”




We are putting our home up for sale, and with that comes a lot of de-cluttering. I found this article refreshing, reassuring me that starting the process of organization is needed and helpful. Not only that, but it will get easier in years to come. Whew! What a relief!

“But I’m doing it in May anyway. In fact, I’m doing it because I’m in a slump and feeling busier than I like. Clearing out my physical space airs out my head space, helps me sleep better, and fans the fire for being content where I live.”


For encouragement to live simply, head over to The Art of Simple.


I dare you not to smile at this news story.

Grab your kiddos, and then grab Make Way for Ducklings. What a great way to begin your weekend!


However you relax this weekend, we’d love to know about it!

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