This Week's Top Parenting Links—5/6

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Happy Mother’s Day weekend! I hope you enjoy celebrating the amazing women in your life. We’ll be spending time together as a family, eating a big meal and remembering funny moments from our childhood. I have been blessed with many amazing examples of motherhood! How are you celebrating this weekend?



I was introduced to Sally Clarkson through the book she co-authored with Sarah Mae, Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe. And since then I have enjoyed, and been challenged by her books. This short article is such an encouragement to me, as a young mom with little ones.

I have filled my home with expressions of beauty because I need to stay in touch with that part of God’s image within me. It is a reminder to me in the midst of so much that is common and dull that I live in a world created by a God of unadulterated beauty and unlimited creativity. Beautiful pictures on the walls, a creative centerpiece, a roaring fire, a bright spray of flowers, flickering candlelight at dinner, creative calligraphy, lovely books, classical music—all are ways that I can bring beauty into my home. “


You can follow Sally Clarkson here.


In case you need a last minute, thoughtful gift for a special Mom, Aunt, Sister or Grandma:


Find more great ideas from Becky, over at Your Modern Family.


I thought Mother’s Day was just another Hallmark holiday. But, I was pleasantly surprised to find out it has a long history!


I know many of you have lost the moms in your life, and that Mother’s Day can be an empty, and painful holiday. I appreciated how Lisa- Jo speaks so candidly about her own feelings and offers some encouragement to the motherless this Mother’s Day.


There is nothing that can fill up the sucking, empty vacuum that losing a mother leaves. There is no pretty prayer or kind word, there is no book or meal or sermon that can possibly make up for the loss of a mother. There is no life lesson or happy ending that somehow makes it right. And I know many of you have lost your moms in ways as similar or different than mine. Many of you may have mothers still living who still feel just as lost to you. All I can say is, I know. And that I believe in a God who doesn’t make things better. He makes things new.”


Follow Lisa-Jo for more encouragement.


 I love this beautiful song and the reminder that someday, when I’m longing for my kiddos to be little again, they will be gone and I will miss their sweet faces and be longing for moments when they need me.


Happy Mother’s Day to all the hard-loving and hard-working women who love little ones (and big ones too!).

Be sure and let us know how you celebrate!

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