This Week's Top Parenting Links—April 15

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Welcome to your weekend!

It’s been a week of catching up. Cleaning, laundry and meal prep has taken over my to-do list, and in the midst of never quite finishing one task, I gave up and started reading the second book of the Little House on the Prairie series to my kids. My list may not be remotely close to finished, but our minds are now fully immersed in a continuing story that pulls us out of our ordinary and gives us something to look forward to. Plus, I get to cuddle with my little ones on the couch, which is so much better than getting to check “laundry” off my list.



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Folks, the struggle is real.  No matter how many toys I get rid of behind my kids’ backs, they seem to leave a never-ending trail that follows them from one room to the next! The only thing that has helped is reminding them to clean up after they are done playing with something, before moving onto the next toy, game or book. This article is one of the best I’ve read on the subject, and gives some very practical helps for getting started in your home today!

“5. Set up some centers in your home: a sensory box center, a kitchen center, a doll center, a car center. This allows your child to move from area to area.   Move with him for the first few weeks, until he learns not to take the toys out of the center.”


Head over to Kids Activities Blog for more DIY tips, tricks and crafts


Lately, I’ve been looking for some fresh recipes to update my tired meal plan. Because of dietary restrictions I have recently had to implement, we are limited on family-friendly options. Here’s a list of 14 friendly recipes for a variety of hard-to-please diets. Both nutritious and beautiful to look at. Who says good food can’t look good, too?



Check out more delicious recipes at


There’s always been a firm rule in our house that “Mom isn’t a short order cook!” But, when the aforementioned dietary changes came into play, I knew my thinking was going to have to change if I was going to get my family to eat. This is a refreshing take on why you may need to have a season of short order cooking, and why you shouldn’t feel guilty about doing it.

“And so I convinced myself: I wouldn’t make a dish unless everyone in the house would at least tolerate it. Shoot, I’d even settle for three out of four people eating it!  

But this led to a withering of my soul. And when mama is dry and worn thin, the whole family suffers.

And so I began an experiment.”


Follow Kitchen Stewardship for more real food recipes and encouragement


Sometimes we take the glorious ordinary for granted. I wonder what my days would look like if I embraced them, and was thankful for them.

“I will fall on my knees in gratitude when I’ve got a dishwasher that needs to be unloaded, skin that doesn’t demand a layer of calamine lotion, and my children snug in their beds at home at night. In other words, my heart will sing with thankfulness for what I take for granted on an ordinary day.



Follow (in)courage for more daily inspiration


Chocolate chip cookies are just good for the soul.

Chocolate chip cookies with sea salt are even better. Stop whatever you are doing and make this recipe. And then share it with someone who needs encouragement. You’ll make a life-long friend, without saying a word.

Thanks to the Broma Bakery for sharing this delicious recipe with us!



Enjoy your weekend, make the cookies, and settle in with a good book.

It’s finally spring.



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