The Morning Briefing: RUSSIANS at National Prayer Breakfast and Much, Much More

UNITED STATES - FEBRUARY 7: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks with reporters as she leaves the House chamber in the Capitol after holding her filibuster focusing on DACA for eight plus hours on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2018. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call) (CQ Roll Call via AP Images)

Good Thursday morning.

Here is what’s on the President’s agenda today:

  • The President participates in a bilateral meeting with the President of Guatemala
  • President Trump delivers remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast
  • The President meets with Secretary of Defense James Mattis
  • President Trump has lunch with Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin
  • The President meets with Dr. Henry Kissinger

I have a condensed version of the briefing for you today.

Your daily WTF:

Starbucks sued after 2-year-old customer allegedly drank barista’s blood

Other morsels:

EEK! RUSSIANS! Big RUSSIAN delegation anticipated for prayer breakfast in Washington

RUSSIAN plane shot down in Syria

RUSSIA successfully hacked into voter rolls during 2016 election

Eric Holder says he’s considering a run for the White House

Holder redistricting effort aims to break GOP statehouse control

Holder: ‘Technical’ case of obstruction of justice could be made against Trump

Pelosi Wraps Up Eight Hours Of Remarks On House Floor

Democrats blew their chance for big 2018 midterm gains in tax fight

Conservatives slam budget deal

Biden tells Democrats: ‘We’re gonna win back the House’

North Korea holds military parade on eve of Olympics

White House knew of abuse allegations against aide Rob Porter

Tillerson says Trump’s tweets “doesn’t dictate our policy”

Amazon launches Whole Foods deliveries in four cities

Food nazis: House passes scale-back of Obama-era menu calorie count rules

Chinese police are using facial-recognition glasses to scan travelers

FBI finds no evidence of altercation in border patrol agent’s death

California says will block crude oil from Trump offshore drilling plan

Dem Senators Are Scrambling To Save Obama’s Landmark Climate Reg From Trump

Schiff: Bannon, Lewandowski defy committee’s requests in Russia probe

New York to ban tasty looking Tide Pods


‘Law & Order: SVU’ star running for Congress

Nunes says he’s ‘sure’ top Obama adviser knew about Steele dossier

Elementary School Principal Switches Genders In Middle Of School Year

Strzok Texts Suggest Discussions About Giving Huma Abedin Immunity

FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake

Jake Clapper responds to Trump’s ‘liar’ dig: ‘This is normal now’

James Tapper: White House is degrading US values

FBI agents’ texts: Obama wanted ‘to know everything we’re doing’

Fewer Americans are getting herpes

First baby with Down syndrome wins Gerber Baby of 2018

James Comey memoir gets an earlier release date amid ‘urgent conversation’ about FBI

‘Hangry’ is officially a word in the Oxford English Dictionary

Dunkin’ Donuts to replace foam cups with paper by 2020, but not everyone is happy about it

And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!



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