The Morning Briefing: Comey-Narrative Hostage Crisis Day Two and Much, Much More

(AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

Happy Thursday Morning!

No info yet on the President’s agenda today

Day 2: A nation held hostage by the media/Democrat narrative

We are now on day two of the Great Comey Meltdown. Here are the recent developments:


Comey sends farewell letter.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has invited Comey to testify next week.

The testimony would be given in a closed session without cameras, but it is not yet known whether Comey has accepted the invitation.

Prior to his dismissal, Comey was scheduled to testify Thursday at the World Wide Threats Hearing with the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, but will now be replaced by Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

Expect the Democrats to leak whatever suits their narrative from the closed meeting.

theSome Democrats are floating impeachment, but that’s not really news. We hear from Democrat politicians and media pretty much on an hourly basis about impeaching Trump. While on a conference call with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Reps. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) [who?] said the impeachment fires were stoked.

“We are certainly moving down that path,” Gallego said. “There is a lot of runway until we get there, but the president is not helping himself by firing the person investigating him. … We don’t have the numbers to do something right now, but when it comes to a point when we feel there is no other recourse, you’d have — I think — we’d have the full support of the Democratic caucus.”


Rep. Pocan said that impeachment might be an option “if there was obstruction of justice by firing [the] FBI director … We’re seeing Democrats and Republicans concerned with timing of this decision … We would first need a majority in Congress or some Republican votes … but we need to keep every tool available to make sure the president follows the law.”

There’s a report that President Trump was upset that Comey would not allow his recent testimony before the Senate to be reviewed and this disloyal act is what led Trump to fire the FBI director.

White House officials told Reuters that Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein requested a preview from Comey.

Comey reportedly declined to share his testimony before a May 3 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing regarding his handling of the probe into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Previews to superiors of congressional testimony are generally considered a courtesy.

And of course, there is the story that Comey was aggressively pursuing the made-up Red Scare “scandal,” asking for more resources to uncover “the truth.”

Days before he was fired as F.B.I. director, James B. Comey asked the Justice Department for more prosecutors and other personnel to accelerate the bureau’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the presidential election.

It was the first clear-cut evidence that Mr. Comey believed the bureau needed more resources to handle a sprawling and highly politicized counterintelligence investigation.


It is curious that no matter what events befall the administration, the story always manages to fit the opposition narrative about Trump. Trump fired Comey because he was getting too close on Russia, because Comey wouldn’t prove his loyalty to Trump.  There’s never a simple explanation and it’s never what the administration says it is. For instance, we saw no media curiosity when Bill Clinton met with DOJ honcho Loretta Lynch in a “chance” private meeting on the tarmac in Arizona last fall. The public was told that the two just spoke about their grandchildren and not at all about the investigation Lynch’s agency was conducting on his failed presidential candidate wife Hillary. The media bought that explanation, sold it and they moved along to something else. It was very different from what we are seeing now, where nothing is trusted and nothing is logical, but instead magically supports the designated, negative real story.

The New York Times gives it a try

The NYT pays some heed to the other side. I give it an A for effort but a D for execution. For Trump Supporters, the Real Outrage Is the Left’s Uproar Over Comey

The script should be familiar by now. President Trump takes action that stuns the country, eliciting indignation and disbelief from Democrats and leading them to conclude that the vitality of American democracy is under assault.

Yet among those who are sympathetic to the president — a minority, to be sure, but somewhere around 40 percent of the country, according to recent polls — the outrage is that Mr. Trump is again being held to an unfair standard set by the very people and institutions that tried to stop his election in the first place: Democrats, resentful Republicans and, perhaps most of all, the news media.


“Stun the country” or stun the media? Well, we can’t expect the Times to fully reflect and acknowledge how out of touch they really are with the American voter.

More clearly than other recent Trump-induced uproars, the reaction to the Comey firing illustrated how many conservatives now justify their defense of the president as part of a fight against a rising tide of overreaction and manufactured hysteria by the left. Mr. Trump, who has long understood the political power of demonizing his opponents as crazed and irrational, has helped stoke those resentments.

You know who else has helped that perception? The media, and the airtime and “legitimacy” the media gives to the left’s hysteria.

Is anyone arguing that Comey was great and competent and should not have been fired? Up until the WH announced he was fired, Comey was public enemy #1 for the Democrats. But that’s not the story the media wants to tell.

Other Morsels:

GOP Lawmakers getting death threats before townhalls

“The Rock” might run for President

Everyone wants Chris Pratt’s FBI agent from ‘Parks & Rec’ to replace James Comey

Hollywood braces for box office failure this summer

Obamacare continues to collapse

Trump appoints opioid commission


Reporter arrested for “questioning” HHS Sec. Tom Price

Mike Flynn subpoenaed by Senate Intel. Committee

That’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!


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