Selling Your Soul for ‘The Greater Good’

Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM via AP

Chief Judge James E. Boasberg has opted to try and thwart the deportation of dangerous sociopaths. The question, of course, is why? It has been said that every man has his price. If so, how much was Boasberg paid, if indeed, he was? Again, the issue of cui bono raises its ugly head. Is he under threat to follow the party line? What is in it for this judge to support the return of drug dealers, murderers, and human traffickers to the country? 


It is tempting to say that Boasberg suffers from TDS, and if Trump is for anything, Boasberg, and his compatriots must de facto oppose it, consequences be damned. And there may be some truth to that. There is a frightening, albeit expected, trend among the Left to set fire to the country for the greater good, no matter who dies from third-degree burns. 

I have, in the past, tried to explain the Leftist mindset to PJ Media readers, not as an effort to act as an apologist for such a record of aberrant behavior but to offer readers a look into the chaotic mindset of the denizens of progressivism. It is difficult to quantify because the feet of the Left are planted in the twin cesspools of emotion and ego/ambition. 

There is a sense of entitlement that accompanies the Left. There is also a twisted belief that if we “just stay the course,” everything will eventually work out: the moon will be in the Seventh House, Jupiter will align with Mars, peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars. But many in the outer circle on the Left have never charted a clear course to the Age of Aquarius. They are merely pushing buttons and pulling levers in the hope that we will get there eventually. In the meantime, they seek to salve their consciences by enforcing their vision of civilization on others. 


It is bad enough when these people set fire to Teslas, break windows, and throw temper tantrums on social media. And by way of warning, I can tell you that my former brethren live for the moment and the thrill of activism. The purple-haired psychopath you see raging on TikTok likely means every word he says. If given the opportunity, he will have no compunction about following through with his rants. Such people may regret those threats when and if they survive their nihilism and somehow make it into their 60s with some semblance of their psyches miraculously intact. But for the moment, they are quite serious and would be more than happy to make good on their threats. 

As stated above, some of this is delusion, while some is by design. Every head bent to a smartphone is one less head devoted to critical thinking. Our media and government have spent years conditioning the faithful to follow Pavlovian responses to whatever stimuli are offered. Ergo, someone need only say that Evil Orange Man has cut USAID funding for LGTBQ support in Whereverstan. Then, cue the outrage. 

It does not occur to the faithful that the fine LGBTQ folx in Whereverstan may only receive a fraction of the allocated funds, with the balance being laundered to a particular person or party. By design, the faithful lack the capacity to apply the same level of scrutiny to their ersatz saviors that they do to their enemies. However, there is a corollary, and it is one that makes Boasberg’s efforts all the more chilling. 


Among the Left, chiefly those in positions of power and privilege, but also endemic to the tiny Pilot fish who follow the Great White sharks, hoping to scavenge a morsel or two, there is a code of omerta that governs everything they do. Everyone knows they are in it for themselves. They just won’t say it out loud. It may be a matter of money, power for the sake of power, social credit, a ticket to the afterparty in Aspen, or an indiscretion or proclivity that they would prefer not to see the light of day. 

In any event, the intentions of those on the Left are primarily mercenary, even if they will not admit it or remain blind to it. It is why these people shriek so loudly when someone gets close to uncovering their secrets. As long as their stated goals are admirable, it does not matter what they do. It will all make sense someday. And if it does not, that is a problem for the “little people.” Meanwhile, their foot soldiers continue acting out, believing their masters will eventually drop the velvet rope and allow them into the inner sanctum. 

As to Boasberg? At this point, one can only speculate as to his motivation. He may believe that he has been tasked with ushering in the new Age of Aquarius and that it is possible to cobble together a utopia from the ashes and burnt lumber of a civilization. He might be playing the long game and betting that the progressives will outlast Trump and one day return to their rightful places of power, and they just might. Or he may just enjoy his title and wealth and be willing to do what is necessary to preserve his status. 


A cursory glance at the Leftists of the 21st century will show you that they are guided by a compass that can no longer locate True North. And, if by some miracle it could, they would merely turn it on its head and continue south. Whatever Boasberg’s reasoning may be, it is enough to know that he has cast his lot with drug dealers, vicious pimps, and cold-blooded murderers. 

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