I spent part of my senior year of high school preparing for college because that was what everyone in my generation was supposed to do. I recall my mother hanging up the phone during my conversation with an Army recruiter looking to set up an interview at the local McDonald's. I was going to college, hands down.
While they fancied themselves '60s activists, my parents also had dreams of me rowing crew at Harvard. I had the grades, the extracurriculars, and all that, but we didn't have the money or social clout for that. The Ivies just weren't in my future.
Be that as it may, I dutifully showed up for my SAT and ACT and filled out multiple applications. Elite schools weren't even on my list. The closest I got was Kenyon, which replied with a very kindly worded letter inviting me to seek my higher education elsewhere.
But now, as Spring rolls around and thoughts turn to course catalogs, some students are considering opting out of schools like Columbia, even if they have an early acceptance in their pockets. The reason? Well, have you seen Columbia recently?
As it turns out, some students are not enamored of the idea of indenturing themselves to student debt to spend four years among wild animals that break windows, terrorize people, have revolutionary pajama parties on the quad, and hurl smoke bombs. They want a little something to go with that diploma, and a police record is not what they had in mind.
College admissions consultant and Command Education CEO Christopher Rim told The New York Post that in the Fall, students and their parents had some semblance of hope that things would have normalized at Columbia, but they obviously have not. He commented, “Lots of my clients thought things would be back to normal by now. And by the time the school year starts in the fall, who knows? One thousand things can change again.” He added that some people like Trump's hardline approach to campus chaos. They are ready for a return to normalcy.
Antisemitism still plays a role. The paper noted that one Jewish student in Australia who applied and was accepted to Columbia is on the fence. He had wanted to represent his community on campus, but he is seriously rethinking his plans, with safety as the main concern.
Columbia is not the only school where people can major in or just practice barbarism. According to the Free Beacon, Jonathan Tuttle, a Harvard librarian, lost his job for recently tearing down pictures of the Bibas children. It takes a uniquely diabolical level of hatred and disconnect to do such a thing, and people are taking notice. One mother posted on X:
Most of the people who do not have jewish/Israeli kids students in the US Universities don’t quite get it - they think we are exagerating or “it was not that bad, just silly students protesting”.
— miha schwartzenberg (@mihaschw) March 11, 2025
Let me explain it to you, as a Mother of one-we had to move our kids out of the… pic.twitter.com/NbnM0NHHUZ
Obviously, the problem is not confined to Columbia. While the school is currently the poster child for pro-Hamas insanity, colleges and universities have been the epicenter of the psychosis pandemic for years. Americans may not want to say so out loud, but they are sick of the violence, the immaturity, and the narcissism, not just of college students but the Left in general.
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