The Shape of Things to Come: MAHA Ad Shows a Chilling Look at a Harris Administration

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. 

 ―George Orwell, 1984


The results of a Democrat win are not things I like to think about when I am away from the keyboard, which is why I turn to fiction on the weekend. Still, those words O'Brien uttered to Winston Smith as the latter grows closer to collapsing under torture and succumbing entirely to the Party have never been closer to coming true. 

I would like to think that even if Kamala Harris is victorious, which is a much more likely development than most of us would care to entertain, we would all somehow manage to survive the next four years with most of our lives intact. But the truth is that four years could turn into eight, and after that, there may be no going back, and the only way we will muddle through is by meekly accepting the new version of the status quo. We may be able to retain some scraps of our former lives, but overtly and covertly, we will be molded and shaped into submission, mainly by a flurry of laws, executive orders, and regulations, aided and abetted by the continuing seismic shift in the cultural landscape.

It is tempting to think that O'Brien, gloating over the helpless Winston, is a caricature of something that could never be. And we may try to comfort ourselves by saying that O'Brien's words are a work of fiction. But in a recent ad released by RFK Jr.'s MAHA Alliance, the words are real, and we ignore them at our peril.


If you would like a preview of what a Harris-Walz administration could hold for America, look no further than that ad. If you want insight into the modern progressive mind, watch that ad again. If you have any doubt about what the next four years and beyond will bring, watch it a third time. Then share it, and by "share it," I mean don't just pass it along to other conservatives to get some good feedback in the echo chamber. Share it with the progressives in your life and any fence-sitters you may know. They, above all people, need to understand who Kamala Harris is and who she will continue to be. 

I just got back from running an errand. A man pulled out from McDonald's and darn near t-boned me. He was well-dressed with expensive shades, pulling on a vape pen, sitting behind the wheel of a Jaguar. First, I didn't know that people who drove Jaguars went to McDonald's. But I guess if you are paying for a Jag, you have to cut costs somewhere. My point is that this man had his McDonald's lunch. He had his vape pen, he had his suit, and he had his Jaguar. What else did he need? 

He was so engrossed in his moment that he was completely unaware that he was about to turn his Jag's front end into a crumpled mess. I don't know how he is going to vote, but he is the very picture of a modern-day progressive: Orange Man is a Nazi/fascist/racist/whatever. The only thing that matters is getting rid of him. 


Should Trump be defeated, there will be, as Monty Python once said, much rejoicing, at least on the Left. However, once the last balloon falls to the ground, the last celebratory joint is smoked, and progressives are done jeering and leering, they will have to settle into a new and ugly reality to which even they will eventually find impossible to conform. 

If they are to cast a vote for Harris, let them hear her and her hubris and lust for power in her own words and about her in the words of those she harmed. And if they still want to vote for Harris, leave them to their McDonald's, vape pens, and Jaguars with a warning to brace for impact. 


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