Weekend Parting Shot: Karma Is a Californian

AP Photo/Alan Diaz

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers,

I pray this missive finds you well. 

Have you voted yet? I dropped my ballot off earlier this week. They sent the traditional "I Voted" sticker with my ballot. Something about not going to the polls takes all the fun out of wearing the sticker. I threw mine away, but as I understand it, almost every headstone in cemeteries in Illinois and California sports at least one, maybe even two. 


What goes around comes around. 

Carla Marinucci is a former writer for Politico. By all accounts, she is a progressive and a resident of Oakland, Calif. At this point in America's history, you would almost have to be a hard-core Lefty to still voluntarily live in Oakland. As you know, Leftists everywhere, and not just in California, have long been proponents of defunding the police, the elusive, cryptic "community policing," and in some cases, the execrable policy, "ACAB." 

Many of these same folx have been in the process of learning the hard way that you can live in a Democrat state, sip your Chardonnay, do the work, hang out a flag, post a sign, and hate the Orange Man while the moon is in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, and life will still suck. And sometimes, they don't learn at all. American Wire notes that Marinucci is positively fed-up, ticked off, disgruntled, disappointed, and otherwise disenchanted after the second gas theft at her Oakland home.

Yes, Carla, it is an Oakland thing. It is also a CA thing. And if your candidate gets into office, it will become a nationwide thing. And "WTF @OaklandPoliceCA?" Carla, you live in Oakland. OAKLAND. Do you never leave the house, or has the Fog of Progressivism dulled your senses to the point that you still believe that if you keep thinking that things will eventually sort themselves out if you just clap your hands, believe in fairies, and keep voting Democrat? 


Between the serious crimes, updating their resumes, and checking the job openings, Oakland cops don't have the time to worry about your gas tank. Yes, Carla, you voted for this, probably multiple times. You literally sat down at the electoral lunch counter and said, "Gimmie a crap sandwich on rye with a tall glass of toilet water." 

The denizens of X seemed to concur:

I think the question that no one is asking is, as good progressives, why do Carla and her husband have a truck with an internal combustion engine in the first place? Where is their EV? You never have to worry about gas thefts with EVs. You just have to worry about them catching fire and burning down your house. Then again, this is Oakland. If your EV doesn't burn down your house, somebody else probably will.

Well, I'll be a son of a witch.

Actually, I am the son of a closet wiccan, but that's another story for another time. 

You know it is a close election when the nation's witches decide to intervene with hexes, spells, curses, or whatever. The witches of Reddit are confounded and frustrated that their spells against Donald Trump don't appear to be working:


I admit, I'm a little unclear on the rules, but are witches supposed to say "godspeed?" It seems kind of counterproductive to me. Actually, the whole scenario doesn't surprise me; I remember reading about this in "Harry Potter and the Stolen Ballots."

Wine recommendation

Because we're in the final stretch of the most important election in history, and all kidding aside, it may actually be the most important election in history this time.

After a week off at a conference at a resort that charged way too much for a mai tai or scotch on the rocks, it was a bit of a relief to get back to the moderately priced alcohol of home. I was in a bit of a hurry yesterday, so I snagged a white off the shelves and hoped for the best. Meet the Gaspard Sauvignon Blanc.

This product of France's Loire Valley is heavy on citrus, especially lemon. Mrs. Brown, who is not a big fan of whites, enjoyed it, but I found the lemon to be overwhelming, which made the wine seem overly aggressive with the first glass. It took a few sips to get past that, but once I did, I discovered that it had the right degree of dryness and a tangy effect on the palate with a decent finish. While lemon is the strongest flavor, you can catch a little grapefruit and a hint of some green apple and cut grass. And yes, before you ask, "cut grass" is a commonly used descriptor for dry whites.


All in all, it was a good bottle. I wasn't ready for the blast of citrus, but once you settle into the glass, you won't be disappointed. You can pair it up with the usual white wine dishes, but it would work best with crackers and soft cheese.

That's it for me. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you next time.


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