Episode 11: There's No Business Like Show Business

Townhall Media

No, you don't have to grab your popcorn or make it a Netflix night. Besides, there's nothing good on Netflix anymore anyway. We won't even give Disney + the time of day. However, we spend this episode of "The Intersection of Faith and Politics" talking about movies and even stage plays.


First up, Paula and I discuss the newest release from the Daily Wire, Matt Walsh's "Am I Racist?" In case you are one of the three people in the U.S. who has not heard of the film, Matt Walsh sets off on an undercover mission (complete with a faux man-bun) to expose the DEI movement. 

Over at World Magazine, Denny Burk wonders aloud if it is okay for Christians/conservatives to engage in subterfuge in order to get the results Walsh achieved in the film or if they have a duty to be truthful and forthright in everything. Burk maintains that honesty is always the best and most biblical policy. But are there times when it is permissible for people of faith to lie for the greater good? In a piece for American Mind, Kenin M. Spivak points out that deceit is S.O.P. for progressives and even offers up a long list of hoaxes that the Left has perpetrated in recent years. Is it okay to fight fire with fire?

The latest installment in the "God's Not Dead" franchise debuted last week. I didn't even know they were still making those movies. From a cinematic standpoint, are Christian movies any good, and are they useful for reaching non-believers?


Finally, the U.S. State Department is footing the bill for a stage production. This outing touts the virtues of communism, demonizes Ronald Regan, and raises awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. And the State Department is presenting this in Macedonia since, apparently, there aren't enough LGBTQ+ communists there. These things matter, you know. It's another example of your tax dollars at work for an agenda. I guess once the Harris-Walz unrealized gains tax kicks in next year, you'll know where all your money is going.

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