With Nothing More Pressing on Its Agenda, Illinois Wants a New State Flag

Justin L. Fowler/The State Journal-Register via AP, Pool

If you have been in the news business in any capacity and for any length of time, two things frequently amaze you. The first is the kinds of news stories that surface from time to time. The second is the stories that set people off. 


Not long ago, someone in Utah's government decided it was time to change the state flag. No one knows why. It was just one of those things that happens to dribble out of government from time to time from the Department of People Who Do Not Have Enough Work To Do. 

Utah's flag had always been its seal with "1896" below it, encircled by a gold ring on a field of blue. It was a fine state flag, and frankly, most people did not care. Until it was announced that Utah would be getting a new state flag, at which point everyone seemed to care. The new flag, which was officially adopted earlier this year, is a red, white, and blue affair, with a stylized mountain range and a beehive and star. Some were thrilled, some were incensed, while others shrugged and went their merry way. 

At the Utah GOP convention two years ago, there were signs and booths demanding that the state leave the old flag. There were almost as many Utah flags at the convention as American, and people kept interrupting the proceedings by demanding that the GOP take action to keep the original flag. 

The delegate next to me, who like me probably had back pains from sitting in a stadium seat for what seemed like all time and eternity grumbled, "Who the hell cares?" And I admit he had a point. Every once in a while, the Department of People Who Do Not Have Enough Work To Do gets together with the Department of Dumb Ideas to create a project no one needs or asks for. 


Years ago, someone decided that Utah had a branding problem and that the phrase "Greatest Snow on Earth" was outdated. So a committee or something was formed, and just over $2 million later, this brain trust presented us with: "Life Elevated." You don't need to be a math whiz to see that this comes out to $1 million per word. So the flag issue really did not catch me by surprise or spin me up. 

Now Illinois is in the market for a new state flag. You would think that given the number of problems facing the state, especially the benighted city of Chicago, Gov. JB Pritzker's people would have more pressing issues about which to worry. Apparently not.

WGN reports that the State Flag Commission said that it will start accepting new designs for the Illinois flag next week. Participants have until October 18 to submit their ideas. The commission will narrow the field down to 10, and voting will commence in January.

As was to be expected, Illinois X users took some time to express a few thoughts: 


Other posters commented:

Makes sense. Our current flag is farrrrr too patriotic

 Who wants to bet that the eagle is gone?

 Just put JB eating the butter cow on it.

 This is the kind of re-branding exercise organizations waste time on instead of dealing with substantive issues such as the looming financial disaster in our state. It is bound to create more divisions than unity.

 It’s gonna be gay isn’t it?

 Let’s not look to Minnesota for inspiration.

That last quote has some resonance since the latest incarnation of the Minnesota flag bears a striking resemblance to Somalia's. But back to my fellow delegate who wondered aloud, "Who the hell cares?" This may be an exercise in governmental time-wasting or an effort to create a distraction. On the other hand, flags are symbols, and symbols have meaning and help define identity. 


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