Britain's Bitter Harvest

AP Photo/Matt Dunham, FILE

It is important to be prudent when using the words "civil war." It has been many years since such a war took place on U.S. soil, and the costs of that conflict have largely been lost in the pages of history. People who advocate for or predict civil war are woefully ignorant of what such a thing would look like in the 21st century.  


Be that as it may, as I was mucking about making coffee and organizing my day this morning, I listened to a person on talk radio discuss the possibility of civil war in Britain. That sounds a tad alarmist to me, although it has been clear that the government considers those who have taken to rioting over the Southport incident to be "thugs." 

GB News reports that Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer announced the creation of a "standing army." Starmer is also facing demands to recall certain MPs after Nigel Farage blamed the government for what he calls "two-tier policing." The PM has branded the protests as "far-right thuggery," drawing reactions from those who have demonstrated peacefully. 

TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson has lashed out at the BBC and other outlets for continuing to refer to all of the rioters as members of the "far right." GB News also notes that in a piece for The Sun, Clarkson wrote:

 Today, I’m surrounded by farmers and plasterers, and brickies and butchers, and all I hear, all day long, is that there’s too much immigration.

 But if they say this out loud, or if they go on a march, they are told by the London elite that they are far-right extremists or racist thugs. For the most part, they’re not.

 They are just people who know that they have to shut up when the Last Post is played and that a cheese rolling down a hill is funny. There was a time you’d have called them the salt of the earth.

But Sir Starmer doesn’t seem to have grasped this. He is surrounded by people who see nothing wrong with immigration, and he’s got it into his head – as I did with Brexit – that anyone who disagrees with him must be some kind of Trump-nut.


Amid the protests popping up across the UK, The National Pulse reports:

Alex Thomson, chief correspondent and presenter at Britain’s state-owned Channel 4 News network, has deleted videos he posted over the weekend showing “Mobs of Asian men” attacking white people amid protests over the mass stabbing of multiple young girls, allegedly by a migration-background teenager in Southport, England. While Southport suspect Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, the son of Rwandan migrants, is not known to be Muslim and is not himself a first-generation immigrant, protests over the mass stabbing have been flaring near mosques and hotels hosting illegal aliens, with demonstrators tying the mass stabbing to broader failures of mass migration and integration.

The outlet also reports that while Starmer has vowed to crack down on the "far right thugs," armed Mulsim counter-protesters are out in Britain's streets “with the police adopting a much less aggressive stance towards them.”

No one wanted to see rioting, but no one wanted to see those little girls murdered, either. No one wants to feel unsafe or discriminated against in their own country. No one wants to navigate no-go zones or live in fear. And no one wants to be told that objecting to these conditions makes them racist.

Some of the reactions of the UK's leadership and media are likely due in part to fear of retaliation. Terrorists observe no rules of engagement. But much of it is from a slavish devotion to progressive ideology and the socio-economic benefits that come with membership in the preferred class of people. That is not to say that there is no regret. The lawmakers, policy wonks, and activists have been sowing the seeds of conflict throughout the UK and Europe for years, and the inevitable harvest is bitter and not even remotely palatable. 


Progressives could end this madness at any time by recognizing what they have done, but the tragic harvest is likely to continue. As any good exorcist will tell you, you can't break a deal with the Devil unless you admit your sin and renounce the pact. And progressives are in too deep at this point to back out.


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