Republicans for Harris!

Townhall Media

Yes, you read that right. 

According to the website Michigan News Source, the group Republican Voters Against Trump is rolling out a campaign featuring disgruntled GOP voters who are standing with Kamala Harris this election. "Fiddlesticks," say you? Watch the ad below, says I.


In addition to the ad above, Michigan News Source said the PAC had started a $500,000 billboard campaign in several swing states. The campaign is aimed at getting Trump voters to switch sides (and presumably sell their souls) and join Team Harris.

The campaign includes 76 billboards showing alleged former Trump voters from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin with the message: “I’m a former Trump voter. I’m voting for Harris.”

Obviously, there are more than a few "Never Trump" Republicans out there. And that is even if you don't count The Lincoln Project, which no one does. My theory has always been that many of the Never Trump conservatives want to distance themselves from the MAGA movement for social reasons, however they may still cast a ballot for Trump in November. They just don't want anyone to know about it. I cannot fathom how anyone who leans even slightly conservative could take an honest inventory of the chaos of the last four years and side with Harris. Although I have been wrong in the past. I could be up in the night about this, as well.

One of the billboards in question features an affable-looking man named Tom. Tom proclaims, "I'm a former Trump voter. I love the Constitution. I'm voting for Harris."


Really, Tom? You love the Constitution? Have you seen what the Democrats have done to it over the last four years? Have you seen what Joe Biden is trying to do regarding the Supreme Court? You can support Harris and love the Consitution only if you love it the same way I love the elves who live in the tree in my backyard and bring me muffins and coffee every morning. Did you miss the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, Tom? What was your secret to remaining immune from rising prices? How did you and everyone you know manage to avoid the spike in crime from domestic and foreign criminals? Have you missed the fentanyl crisis? You must have one heck of a Netflix account, Tom, if you are ignorant of the rising danger from war overseas. Where have you been vacationing for the last four years, Tom? I have some time off coming and want to make my reservations now. 

Oh, one last thing, Tom. If you are indeed a conservative who has "seen the light," don't think you're safe. They don't like you any more than they like us. You will be expected to fetch, roll over, and heel. And if you don't comply and we end up sharing a cell in the gulag, you can't have any of my leftover gruel. PJ's Kevin Downey Jr. already called dibs. 

Of course, if these are conservative voters who have turned their back on The Donald, why are they raising the same objections as garden-variety Democrats? These are the same talking points we have been hearing from the Left and the MSM since Trump originally announced his candidacy and since January 6. I may be wrong, but I find this campaign a little suspicious. I find it dubious that anyone but the most diehard, deluded, or avaricious of voters could watch the scene in the rearview mirror and say, "Well, that went much better than expected!" 


Furthermore, we are past the point of revelations. I doubt that there will be any October Surprises we were not anticipating. The Democrats are enjoying some post-Biden exuberance, but my guess is that in terms of choosing up sides, voters have largely declared, "iacta alea est." And a cloying ad campaign is not going to change that.


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