
Selling the National Soul

The Satanic Temple via AP, File

Fox News had a profile piece up this morning about a man by the name of Amir Odom. He is black, gay, and a recent convert to the conservative movement. Like many who have traveled this particular road, Odom tells a story that is similar to those of others who have jumped ship, including the realization that the Democrat Party and the Left in general are moving so far out of orbit that they are threatening to cross the Neutral Zone and invade Romulan Territory. 

I have no reason to doubt Odom's sincerity. As an ex-Leftist (albeit a straight one) myself, I experienced a very similar epiphany once upon a time. Whenever someone from the Left defects, it gives conservatives everywhere a glimmer of hope that not everyone on the other side of the aisle has submitted to the compulsory lobotomy, and the number of converts seems to be growing. But will the effect of this awakening be enough? Is it too little, too late? 

There is a legend surrounding bluesman Robert Johnson. Johnson, the story goes, was a blues guitarist, who wanted to achieve greatness. For some historical reference, he was born in Mississippi in 1911 and died in 1938. By all accounts, Johnson was no great shakes when it came to playing guitar. Then one day, he dropped out of sight. He reappeared some time later, showcasing incredible playing skills. Later generations of musicians and music fans would herald him as a giant in blues and guitar. Some even name him as a grandfather of rock & roll.

Some people say Johnson simply spent time honing his craft and practicing under the tutelage of Ike Zimmerman. Others claim that there were two guitarists who went by the name Robert Johnson: one who could play, and one who could not. But the legend goes that Johnson took his guitar to a deserted crossroads. He stood there until the Devil tapped him on the shoulder. Johnson handed his guitar to the Devil over his left shoulder. The Devil tuned it, played a few licks, and handed it back. Johnson became an extraordinary musician in exchange for his soul. 

It's a fun story, and most people think that selling one's soul involves an experience like the one in the Robert Jonson legend, signing a contract as depicted in "The Devil and Daniel Webster." In other stories, a demon, or in some cultures, a djinn, appears and offers one their heart's desire for a terrible price to be extracted later. 

I'm not saying that those things don't happen. I'm no demonologist, so who knows? But normally, selling one's soul is not nearly so interesting or dramatic. I would posit that the majority of the time, one sells one's soul to the Devil gradually, through a series of compromises and indulgences that drive one farther and farther away from sanity and decency.

Earlier today, Rabbi Michael Barclay wrote about the attack on an L.A. synagogue over the weekend by a mob of pro-Hamas activists. Those same thugs went on to terrorize Jews in the Pico-Robertson area. Residents sought police protection, but Mayor Karen Bass ordered the LAPD to stand down. These mobs are always awash in emotion and armed with propaganda that makes them feel morally superior to anyone who is not on their side. Their pride has obscured their humanity. 

But what about Bass? Why would she leave the Jews of Pico-Robertson to fend for themselves? Probably because that is what Democrats do now. That is the party line. Crime and chaos are nothing new to California. Bass was doing what was expected of her and what was required to keep her position and standing. Democrat policy is to turn a blind eye to antisemitism without looking like that is what they are doing. 

That is how you sell your soul to the Devil.

And then there was this:

These two agents seem affable enough. Who knows? They may be loads of fun at barbecues. So why would they show up at a nurse's door to harass and intimidate her? Perhaps they are true believers when it comes to gender propaganda. It is also plausible that they are acting under orders from the DOJ brass. It could be that they also have GS levels and pensions to worry about, and it is easier to say, "We were just doing our jobs."

That is how you sell your soul to the Devil. 

Media figures and legislators become so fixated on power, money, and influence that they resort to claiming that a Trump administration would jail or even kill people. They become so narcissistic that there is no fire alarm they will not pull and no lie they will not tell to maintain their positions.

That is how you sell your soul to the Devil. One piece at a time.

People like Amir Odom are breaths of fresh air and give sane people a modicum of hope. But the Left has become so mired in the morass of egotism and a fetish for power that it will never accept defeat even if, by some miracle, a substantial number of people on the Left felt sudden pangs of conscience, nothing would change. 

They made a deal, after all, even if they don't know it. 


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