Minority Report: Leftists Nervous That Some POCs Aren't Onboard With the Trump Narrative

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

One of the interesting aspects of the Trump conviction is the fact that the Left felt secure in the belief that the nation would stand up and cheer when the verdicts were read. They were, of course, disabused of that notion as they watched the donations to the Trump campaign mount over the weekend. They must also be flabbergasted to have to choke on the bitter submarine sandwich of reality that not every member of the Mega Millions is white, rural, and male. Nope, as it turns out, people supporting #45 for the job #47 come from all walks of life and all races. I don't want to ruin anybody's Pride fun this early in the month, but one could say that there is a veritable rainbow of people who have joined Team Trump. The fact that the race card seems to be missing from this particular hand is not sitting well with progressives, who have reached up their sleeves to pull out their spare one.


Recently, Ana Navarro who does some work for CNN, also made it over the wall at "The View" and put in an appearance with CNN anchor Jim Acosta and former Biden White House communications director Kate Bedingfield. American Wire notes that after the ceremonial dubbing of Trump as a racist and misogynist, Navarro accused Latino Trump supporters of trying to "pass" for American:

This is the truth, and you and I know this as Latinos, there are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them. And who think being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American — pass as, whatever,” she continued. “And that’s a very stupid attitude to have because what folks don’t realize is that when the guy drives thousands of miles to go hunt down Latinos in a Walmart in Texas, he doesn’t care when you came here. He doesn’t care what your accent is. What he’s looking for is, ‘Does it look like me? Does it sound like me?’ That’s what he’s looking for. So…they’re not asking for your papers, they’re just anti-that group.

Navarro was referencing a 2019 incident in El Paso in which 23 people were murdered. The killer received 90 life sentences for his crime. 

First of all, we all know that as a good leftist, Navarro should have used the word "Latinx," so already, she's lost a few points right out of the gate. Secondly, not every mass shooter or criminal is a white man. But with progressives, the race monologue is a bit like herpes: once it kicks in, the leftist in question experiences outbreaks for life. Finally, did it occur to her that Latinos may want to live in safe communities? That Latinos want to get the most out of their dollars? That Latinos would like to raise a family, own a business, and even retire one day? Did it occur to her that none of that is happening under Joe Biden's handlers?  


Probably not. 

American Wire also reported that during an appearance on "Jesse Watters Primetime," Blexit activist Madeline Brame had the following to say after watching a Biden video:

I feel like vomiting…for the simple fact that, you know, it’s so insulting and so racist for every other word to come out of his mouth — black this, black that, black this, black that — like the only reason why we made these so-called accomplishments is because of the color of our skin.

Has nothing to do with our intellect, has nothing to do with the merits of nothing. It’s only because we’re black that these things are happening. He is so insulting. 

One recent caller to "The Breakfast Club" commented:

How can anybody black vote for Biden? The antics that those people take, he goin’ to black cookouts all of a sudden, it’s like a slap in the face. I respect Trump because at least Trump real. He might sound stupid, he’s not articulate, whatever. My quality of life was better under Trump, we didn’t have all these problems at the border under Trump, we didn’t have none of this goin’ on.

But the cherry on the top comes to us courtesy of the Free Beacon and is from Democrat Mark Levine, who is the borough president of Manhattan. He told Politico, "The number of people in New York, including people of color that I come across who are saying positive things about Trump, is alarming."

Alarming, indeed. Who would have thought that the Democrats' favorite voting blocs would think for themselves? Certainly not the progressives.



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