
Canadian Man Identifying as Trans Assaults Nursing Mother

AP Photo/Armando Franca

On Wednesday, the Peruvian government classified transgenderism as a mental illness. The event was reported in the UK's Telegraph, which said that the government made the move to “guarantee full coverage of medical attention for mental health.” The article stated that the decision has "sparked outrage" from members of the LGBTQ community. The Telegraph said that the community has been under assault in recent years and that the country has seen a rise in "homophobic, transphobic and gender violence.” 

Percy Mayta-Tristán, a medical researcher at Lima’s Scientific University of the South, told the paper:

You can’t ignore the context that this is happening in a super-conservative society, where the LGBT community has no rights and where labeling them as mentally ill opens the door to conversion therapy.

While no person of conscience would advocate for violence against trans people or for forcing them to convert, it is interesting to note that while the trans community is quick to accuse others of violence and even genocide, it is curiously quiet when it comes to the problems raised by members of its group. One would think that trans advocates would agree that transitioning may not be the answer for everyone, or that people using hormones and drugs to transition should use them in a responsible and healthy manner. And it would acknowledge that within its ranks, there are people who have engaged in dangerous behavior and have taken advantage of trans status for their personal gain.

Consider the case of a 26-year-old Vancouver, Canada, man named Nathaniel Francis Beekmeyer. Beekmeyer was charged on Friday for a May 9 incident. He is alleged to have climbed into the back seat of a parked car and grabbed a woman from behind as she was nursing her baby. The Publica reports that authorities referred to Beekmeyer as a woman. 

Also for our VIPs: Trans Activists Overwhelm Utah's Bathroom Tip Line

Beekmeyer has a YouTube channel and refers to himself as a "dead girl." His videos have a very surreal, disconnected feel to them. In one, he states that he will save the world by transforming men into women. In it, he comments:

What I do is, I’m a beautiful person, I present myself in a beautiful way, I’m not beautiful. But beauty in this world is something you no longer see, or at least I no longer see. Women are hidden from you guys. I’m not sure why, but either way, I will fix the world, I will return the women to the world. I will release them again. What I seek is to make the margin of beauty a lot higher. First of all, most of these men in the world, they’re not really men, they’re women. We need to fix them. We need to turn them into a better state… Woman is a state of pure pleasure, it’s true. Woman has a different kind of nervous system than a man does. (sic)

In another, he orally ingests what he claims is 15 milligrams of estrogen cream, which he says gives him a sense of euphoria. For reasons of decorum, I will not post the video, but interested readers may view it here. it gives one a clear picture of Beekmeyer's state of mind. According to the article, he claims to be a serial killer who hates women because they do not take enough estrogen. The Publica notes:

Other video titles include “100% Sadist 1,” “Dead Girl is Single Looking for Woman,” and “Your Quantum Powers and How To Reincarnate Explained While I Smoke a Cigarette.” While discussing his theories on reincarnation, Beekmeyer asserts that “we live in a 12-dimensional state in a 14-dimensional universe.”

Perhaps this may shed some light on why Beekmeyer felt entitled to enter a car and attack a nursing mother from behind. 


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