African Migration Is Soaring as European Countries Close Borders

AP Photo/Gregory Bull, File

For the record, I have met and known many African immigrants at different stages of my life, and they were perfectly lovely people who were grateful to be in a country where they could achieve their dreams. And yes, it is true that many immigrants come here with the best of intentions. But it would be disingenuous to ignore the various crises that have emerged in Europe due to the presence of illegal immigrants. And for that matter, it would be equally disingenuous to ignore the crises that have occurred here. Residents in Chicago and New York are at their wits' end with the pressure that illegal immigrants have placed on the various infrastructures, social programs, housing, and life in general. The simple truth is that America, under the present economic and social situations, and in particular the current leadership, is simply not equipped to handle the influx of people. At present, America is not equipped to allow its own citizens to meet their needs or even flourish. 


In an article in the New York Times, Miriam Jordan writes that as European countries begin cracking down on immigration, many people are making the United States their destination of choice:

"Getting into the United States is certain compared to European countries, and so I came,” said Sekuba Keita, 30, who was at a migrant center in San Diego on a recent afternoon after an odyssey that took him by plane to Turkey, Colombia, El Salvador and Nicaragua, then by land to the Mexico-U.S. border.

Jordan notes that while the number of people migrating from Africa is small compared to those from other countries, the number of illegal immigrants from Africa went from 13,406 in FY 2022 to 58,462 in 2023. Camille Le Coz, a senior policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute in Europe, told the Times, "You have countries that are less and less welcoming. When new routes open up, people are going to migrate because economic opportunities at home are insufficient.” The piece reports that the African migrants are contributing to the crush at the border, along with people from China, Central and South America, and a host of other nations. The Times article states that these people are fleeing economic crises and dictatorships. And, of course, climate change. It's always climate change. 

In the case of the African migrants, they fly to Nicaragua, which does restrict entry by Africans. Then, they make their way north to the U.S. Once apprehended, they are often released because there is no room in immigration centers, authorities cannot split up families, or the countries from which these people have fled do not want them back. Be that as it may, there are Americans who cannot find or afford housing. There are Americans who are increasingly finding that they cannot afford utilities, fuel, or food. And yet those same Americans are told to make room for more. 


The New York Post reports that on Saturday, a migrant at the Randall's Island tent city was stabbed in a dispute over a woman. Migrants there have split the camp according to nationality. Almost everyone is armed, and thefts are common. Hours before that incident, a fight broke out at an East Village intake center over a spilled cup of coffee. Chicagoans and New Yorkers alike have vehemently objected to the steady streams of illegal immigrants that are impacting residents.

Via American Wire News:

Ahead of his impeachment proceedings, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas did a yeoman's job of tap dancing around the issue of illegal immigration on a Monday morning appearance on Fox News. However, Mayorkas did admit that the release number of those illegals who have been apprehended is over 85%. He was also quick to lay blame at the feet of Congress. He also touted the efforts of the Biden administration to cope with the problem while shifting the blame onto just about everything and everyone else, including climate change. No doubt our legislators bear some blame for all of this, but bear in mind that this is the same Alejandro Mayorkas who helped spread the lie that CBP agents on horseback whipped Haitian migrants. So, one should take everything he says with a grain, if not a shaker, of salt. You can watch the complete exchange between Mayokas and Bret Baier here.


America is in no shape to provide relief to all of the poverty-stricken and war-torn countries in the world. And it is no shape to allow further crises to explode here. One of the often overlooked factors of illegal immigration is that those people who may have come to these shores and borders in search of a better life are accompanied by the very people from whom they would like to escape. Not to mention the effect that importing criminals and terrorists has on this country. These migrants, who are in search of a better life, will find an America that, in many respects, can offer them little more than what they experienced at home. Possibly not even that much, given the nation's current trajectory. And that is taking into account the neglect red cities have shown for their citizens' welfare even when they are not accommodating the immigration crush. No sane or compassionate person wants people to experience war, privation, or oppression. But there must be some avenue of unexercised statecraft that could address these situations that does not involve taxing the limits and resources of the American people. 

In the Times piece, an Angolan native named Paulo Kando talked about the hardships he had endured to reach San Diego, where he is currently stranded. Kando said that he hopes to reach Portland, Oregon, where he has some contacts. Clearly, Mr. Kando has no idea what life is like in Portland at the moment. It would be interesting to see what his reaction will be, should he reach his destination. The cruel irony is that the people who embrace the mindsets that have turned blue cities into dystopias are the same people who would see our borders remain porous, if not rendered non-existent. Is there money to be made in all of this? Of course. Is there power to be amassed and maintained? There can be no doubt. Are there those who revel in left-wing delusions of compassion while snickering over conservative outrage? There are. And are there people who simply thrive on pulling apart old orders and destroying old values, simply for the pleasure of it? I am not a "Batman" fan, but as Michael Caine said in "The Dark Knight," "Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."



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