Why is Anyone Surprised at Candace Owens' Remarks on Israel?

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Over on our sister site, Red State, Bonchie covered the imbroglio between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro over Owens' comments about and stance on the Israeli-Hamas situation. You can read the whole breakdown in Bonchie's piece, but the upshot is that Owens is accused of veering too close to the hard-right, anti-Semitic wing of the conserv-o-sphere. So much so that Shaprio was queried about it at a recent gathering:


Upon further review, as they say in football, I think Shapiro has a valid point.

First, two thoughts that may be unpopular among some. One, conservatives have continued to confound progressives over the years because the Right tends to wrestle with a variety of ideas and viewpoints, even awful ones. The Left has never been able to grok the concept that conservatives are as diverse a group as any. There are no mavericks on the Left. Second, the best way to combat bad ideas with good ideas is by exposing the bad ones to the sunlight and rigorous debate. That being said, I will throw my lot in with Shapiro. I don't think anyone could realistically see the images and hear the stories of what went on October 7 and not side with Israel. Not without mortgaging their soul. 

In a recent article on UnHerd, Oliver Bateman seems to be trying mightily to depict the conflict as a watershed or soul-searching moment for American conservatives. Bateman writes:

Recent developments in America’s conservative media landscape have illuminated deepening fissures over Israel, with implications that could ripple through the broader Republican Party. Boiling-over tensions between commentators Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro over their differing views on Israel’s actions in the conflict with Hamas exemplify this divide.


Hardly. Conservatives of conscience know that there are people who have done their level best to attach themselves to the movement who harbor execrable views. Those views have been on display in various comment sections where anti-Semites have taken the opportunity to air the usual horrific stereotypes and slander. And time and again, conservatives excoriate people with such odious opinions. In part because it is the honorable thing to do and also because, unlike the Left, most conservatives don't shove their hands in their pockets, whistle, and pretend to be fascinated with the crown molding or the wallpaper pattern when someone awful tries to surface in their ranks. The media does not give the Right the same latitude as it does the Left.

Bonchie also referenced a 2020 article by Kira Davis that takes a studied look at Owens. Many look at Owens and see her as a pioneer for black conservatism. The truth is that Owens is standing on the shoulders of Kira Davis, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and everyone at Project 21 who took up their swords and shields and marched into the breach long before Owens became a household name.

Owens can be a gifted speaker and a fiery, skilled debater. She would have made an excellent prosecuting attorney.  And who knows, she still might. While some evaluate her through the lenses of race and politics, I tend to look at the situation as a former radio talk show host and program director. And I do not think that Owens was a diversity hire. Instead, I see someone who was hired to counter "The View" or "The Talk." 


After her departure from PragerU, Owens started hosting a show with a live audience at The Daily Wire. She is not the token black. She is a young woman who is conversant in pop culture and well-versed in social media. It was an attempt to appeal to a demographic that, prior to her arrival and that of Brett Cooper, was not all that accessible to the company. And Owens certainly knows how to raise eyebrows and garner clicks, likes, and other reactions. The issue appears to be that DW was so focused on getting the brand off the ground that it did not coach Owens on studio or mic presence. I've listened to and watched her podcasts, and they often seem forced, as if Owens feels uncomfortable and is struggling to fill the time. As a result, there is now a loose cannon on the deck.

Case in point: when Owens made the shift to The Daily Wire, the company put out a cute video about her first day. To save yourself some time, scroll to about 12:53.

What is being referenced here is a Greek dish known as a gyro. I've been eating them all my life. But Owens pronounces it the same way one would say "gyroscope" or "gyrocompass."  I know some of you will say, "That's nothing! Leave Candace alone, you mansplaining 'splainer!" Yes, it is a little thing, but it's a telling thing, and it is something the director or someone in post-production should have caught. As Solomon said, it is  "the little foxes that gnaw the vines."  And that gnaw away at credibility. Setting aside the unintentional conflation of lamb dishes and instrumentation, there is this vignette:


Does anyone remember Air America? Back in the day, the Left found itself shaken to the core by the success of Rush Limbaugh and the others who trailed in his wake. And the Leftists tried to counter that with a radio talk product of their own, Air America. It eventually tanked. Why? I knew someone who was brought in to advise the talent when Air America was launched. He told me that everyone was so focused on being Left-wing that they didn't even think about trying to create a quality product. So, while many may have agreed with the core values of Air America, most people couldn't stand to listen to it. 

Daily Wire wanted a young, strong, energetic woman who was dialed in to pop culture and social media savvy. It wanted someone who could generate some buzz. And buzz it now has. 

I applied for a few slots at DW, and I was shot down each time. But in the spirit of détente, I will offer a solution. There is no shortage of studio space or bandwidth at The Daily Wire. Have Shapiro and Owens sit down and have it out, point by point. Owens seems to have yet to learn that words carry meaning, particularly when they are uttered by someone with her platform. The atrocities perpetrated by Hamas should not be gamed for clicks, retweets, or likes on Instagram or TikTok. Or a even sit-down with Tucker Carlson. Owens has delivered the buzz. Now, she needs to deliver the accountability. 



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