Pennsylvania Teacher Pulls Out All the Stops to Sexualize Children

(AP Photo/G. Paul Burnett, File)

Al Vernacchio teaches English at the private Friends’ Central School in Wynnewood, Pa. He also does double duty as the school’s Sexuality Education Coordinator. And boy, is he coordinating up a storm. Vernacchio takes his job very, very seriously, so seriously in fact, that he takes the time and trouble to show his students what amounts to pornography in the classroom. I will not list what he has displayed to the kids, but if you’re that interested, you can check out the story on Fox News. Suffice it to say, his classroom materials would be enough to get someone fired from their job if they were discovered on a work computer. Did I mention that he is the Gender and Sexual Orientation Alliance advisor?


Apparently, Vernacchio has been at it for a while. He told the New York Times back in 2011, “It’s really a process of desensitizing them to what real genitals look like, so they’ll be less freaked out by their own and, one day, their partner’s.” Desensitizing. I believe that is also known as grooming. As a reporter, I watched people get serious prison time for doing this. Vernacchio gets a paycheck and a pass, and as you can see by the quote, he has no qualms or reservations about exposing young minds to porn. You can see him openly discussing his agenda, which involves students as young as three, below.

Do you know who else thought every child was a sexual being? People like Alfred Kinsey and John Money. If those names do not ring a bell, read Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman?  Vernacchio, as the advisor of the Gender and Sexual Orientation Alliance, has access to children who are grappling with these issues. Do you know what that makes them? Vulnerable.

The amazing thing is that Vernacchio has been involved with this agenda for years. And no one at the school has stepped in to put a stop to it or has even tapped the brakes. Perhaps not all of the parents who had children at Friends’ Central School were aware of Vernacchio’s “curriculum.” But you can’t tell me that none of the parents with students at the school knew this was going on. Plenty of them did, and plenty of them do now. You can bet on it.


But their kids’ innocence and well-being are up for sale when it comes to being progressive. A school will look the other way when someone like Vernacchio decides to show students sexually explicit material if it means it is on the cutting edge. The ancient Canaanites sacrificed their children to Moloch. Modern progressive Americans sacrifice their children not only to the culture but to themselves.


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