Pro-Choice Mob at University: 'We Want To See Them Dead'

Ng Han Guan

“We want to see them dead!”

No, that quote is not the chant of a horde of orcs roaming Middle Earth, or the battle cry of someone in the Ukraine-Russia war. It’s not even the quote of left-wing rioters. Well, not this time. No, that particular exclamation came from pro-choice students at the University of Vermont.


Writing as a guest blogger for the site Students For Life of America, Savannah Craven recounts an experience she had last month at the university. Craven brought the Students For Life of America Human Rights Tabletop display to the university and set it up in a common area. She was working with New York and Vermont Leadership Institute field coordinator Autumn Elkins. At first, everything was going swimmingly. Discussions were had and points of view were exchanged, all civilly. But as word of the display made its way around the campus, a hostile pro-choice mob showed up. The members of the mob began with making jokes, taking pictures, and holding up signs. The scene escalated into a protest with a large crowd that blocked access to the table and yelled hateful comments. The display features models of a baby at various stages of development in utero.

You probably caught the cackling and one young lady gleefully shouting: “We want to see them dead!”

Related: Pro-abortion Mob Continues to Intimidate Barrett, Kavanaugh

In the video below, you can watch two pro-choice males admitting that an unborn baby is in fact alive. But at the same time, they would have no problem with killing a child in the womb. In fact, they claim to have done worse things.

Another quote from the great minds wandering the hall of the University of Vermont: “F*** them kids.” As Craven writes, “Worse than killing preborn children? How low do their standards go? ” I suspect the statement from the student barely begins to plumb the depths. Another poor excuse for a scholar also stole the sign-up sheet with the contact information for students who were interested in learning more about the group. Hopefully, they just threw it away. But I would not be surprised if someone on campus finds a way to put that list to a nefarious use.


Fortunately, the school’s student life administrator came and told the protestors to disperse. At first they refused, until she told them that she would get someone to help her with the “next steps.”

What would you like to bet that if a Second Amendment advocacy group came to the University of Vermont, they would be roundly attacked because guns “kill people”? That definition of people does not include unborn babies. F*** them kids, right, students? It is sobering and frightening to think that these individuals probably would not see the irony. But let’s be honest, I’m not sure if these “college students” even know how to spell “irony.”

It may be that some of these were just idiot stoners having a goof at the expense of Craven and Elkins, and wanted to see just how offensive they could be for the fun of it. But the pro-choice movement is known for its violence and disregard for life, and for freedom of speech. But a young woman yelling “we want to see them dead” betrays the dark and twisted heart of the pro-choice movement. This girl has sold her soul. Rather cheaply, I might add. And America is a cold, bleak, and wintry place. It has morphed into a landscape whose features are violent, hyper-cynical, hyper-sexual, and cruel. It is quickly becoming a nation of narcissists, who do not care about the life of a fetus — or probably your life. They may not even recognize the potential value of their lives, as they seem so keen to throw life away.


To end things on a positive note, if you are so inclined, you can give Craven, Elkins and Students For Life a hand here. I’m sure they could use it, since the battle is going to be uphill for them for the foreseeable future.


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