Tim Ryan Besmirches the Name 'Buckeye'

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) films a message on the steps of the Capitol on April 27, 2018. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call via AP Images)

I love where I live, but at the same time, I often pine for my homeland of Southwestern Ohio. I miss the rolling hills, the green fields, the ravines, caves, waterfalls, and hidden grottoes that can be found around any given corner in a state park.


But at the same time, if I were back home, I would probably be at odds with everyone with whom I grew up over Tim Ryan. Technically, Ryan is not in my former district, but, be that as it may, I am ashamed that my home state even elected this man.

The Free Beacon notes that while Ryan is a big proponent of EVs for the little people, he has been using a 2020 GMC to get around the Buckeye state. A campaign staffer commented, “Tim loves his UAW-built American-made Tahoe, and wouldn’t trade it for anything—not even the $70,000 BMW that chauffeurs J.D. Vance around Ohio.” Yeah, well Vance isn’t trying to tell the “little people” people how to live their lives, either. Nice try, though. Ryan is a full-on Biden man and voted for the infrastructure bill. Alleged good intentions aside, gas prices in Ohio saw a 10-cent spike this past week.

Ryan’s Marie Antoinette approach to fuel aside, he also vacated Ohio last week for a Hollywood fundraiser. One of the hosts was high-end attorney Mitchell Kamin. That name may not ring a bell, but the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee might. Kamin represented those entities who tried to avoid paying damages to the victims of Larry Nasser. Nasser of course sexually abused many young gymnasts under the guise of providing medical care. These organizations knew about the abuse and kept their heads down. An attorney for the victims stated: “It seems that the [U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee] has learned nothing, hopes to change nothing, and seeks a free pass from the court in return for multiple press releases containing platitudes yet no substantive change.”


So if you are in Ryan’s district, you know what his values are, and now you know who his friends are. When you cast your vote, remember that Ohio has produced presidents, astronauts, inventors, and heroes. Surely it can produce a better congressman or senator.


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