Survey: The Best (and Worst) Movie Presidents

We’ve already had a president who once worked in Tinsel Town.

Now, we’re watching another presidential candidate (Donald Trump) with a string of TV and film cameos trying to replace our Celebrity-in-Chief (President Barack Obama).


None of them can match some of Hollywood’s best fictional presidents. just polled readers on the very best, and most fearsome, fictional presidents. The movie ticketing firm queried more than a 1,000 movie lovers. The question?

Which fictional U.S. movie presidents and presidential contenders they would most like to see in the Oval Office? And which ones would they pray never gets near the White House?

For every strong, determined leader (like Harrison Ford in “Air Force One”), respondents pointed to others who would give them sleepless nights. Paging Charlie Sheen (even if he was just playing a part).

And one faux president even inserted himself into the current campaign. Thank you, Mr. Mike Judge of “Beavis & Butt-Head” fame.

Here’s the official Fandango mashup.

Official list continued on the next page.

And here’s the official list:

Most Respected Movie Presidents

1. Harrison Ford (President James Marshall), “Air Force One”

2. Morgan Freeman (President Tom Beck), “Deep Impact”

3. Michael Douglas (President Andrew Shepherd), “The American President”

4. Bill Pullman (President Thomas J. Whitmore), “Independence Day”

5. Jamie Foxx (President James Sawyer), “White House Down”

6. Robin Williams (President Tom Dobbs), “Man of the Year”


7. Kevin Kline (Presidential Stand-in Dave Kovic), “Dave”

8. James Earl Jones (President Douglass Dilman), “The Man”

9. Sela Ward (President Elizabeth Lanford), “Independence Day: Resurgence”

10. Michael Keaton (President John Mackenzie), “First Daughter”

Most Feared Movie Presidents

1. Charlie Sheen (President Rathcock), “Machete Kills”

2. Leslie Nielsen (President Baxter Harris), “Scary Movie 4”

3. John Travolta (Presidential Candidate Jack Stanton), “Primary Colors”

4. Peter Sellers (President Merkin Muffley), “Dr. Strangelove”

5. Jack Nicholson (President James Dale), “Mars Attacks!”

6. Terry Crews (President Dwayne Camacho), “Idiocracy”

7. George Clooney (Presidential Candidate Mike Morris), “The Ides of March”

8. Dennis Quaid, (President Joseph Staton), “American Dreamz”

9. Martin Sheen (Presidential Contender Greg Stillson), “Stephen King’s The Dead Zone”

10. Gene Hackman (President Allen Richmond), “Absolute Power”


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