You know the drill: start eating or drinking the food or beverage that all the experts announce is beneficial to your health. Then, a few months/years/decades later, stop eating or drinking that same food or beverage when all the health experts decide that it will kill you. Rinse and repeat.
Remember how coconut oil was the best thing since organic, sustainable quinoa? Well, apparently it will kill you. It turns out the stuff is “pure poison,” according to a Harvard professor:
Everything you know about coconut oil might be a lie
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) August 21, 2018
But how bad can it be?
A Harvard professor called coconut oil “pure poison” in a video. Not everyone takes such a harsh stand.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) August 22, 2018
Previously, we were all told to use the oil in cooking instead of other popular oils. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that coconut oil is still OIL. No one should have ever been led to believe that eating spoonfuls of it would be a good idea because it is still high in saturated fat. (Read the labels, people. Don’t just take what the Keto diet people say without a grain of salt.)
Would not call it poison, but with >80% saturated fat, for sure it is not healthy.
A Harvard professor just busted the myth that coconut oil is good for you, calling it 'pure poison' via @BIUK— Plantcounting nutritionist (@AngelikadeBree) August 22, 2018
But right, it’s not that simple. It’s not “good” one day and “bad” the next. It’s just not what everyone hoped it would be:
Dr Karin Michels of Harvard’s School of Public Health has debunked the popular belief that the ingredient is a waistline-slimming, brain-boosting superfood
— The Courier-Mail (@couriermail) August 22, 2018
72% of Americans think coconut oil is a healthy food. But the American Heart Association recently advised against its use
— CNN International (@cnni) August 22, 2018
So now what?
So what am i to do with my truckload of #coconutoil now Harvard
— Ayo Milaje (@ayusfagbo) August 22, 2018
Whom are we to believe? How are we supposed to go on?
Coffee is good for you, coffee is bad for you. a glass of wine a day is ok, a glass a day is bad, chocolate will make you live longer, chocolate is bad for you… IT NEVER ENDS…
— drex (@drex) August 21, 2018
Bingo. Maybe coconut oil is bad in general because it’s oil, but perhaps it is better than some other options. And let’s repeat this important mantra: ALL IN MODERATION!
All in moderation.
— Addie (@Amayasnana) August 22, 2018
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