Unlike Raccoons, Demo-Communists Don't Learn From Their Mistakes

Photo by Denis Poroy/Invision/AP

FACT-O-RAMA! As someone who spent his childhood camping at Proud Lake in Michigan, I can attest that a raccoon, through trial and error, will eventually figure out how to open your cooler and eat your cold hot dogs. Liberals, however, will make the same mistakes again and again because they are brainless punchinellos who can't control their own rage at whatever/whomever they are told is a "Nazi."


I'm beginning to believe that the Democratic Party is taking its direction from a right-leaning comedian with a taste for bourbon because, honestly, it's making so many bad decisions that it's almost like I am in their command and purposely giving it advice to make it look as though it's nuttier than squirrel droppings.

"Hey Democrats, today we are going to show those Republicans who's boss and defend child rapists from getting deported. Tomorrow, we call Republicans bigots as we terrorize Jews. Gooooo TEAM!"

Or how's this: "KDJ, what's the plan to stop our approval rating from sinking like the Andrea Doria?"

"Burn Teslas!"

Related: Send in the Clowns! This Week's List of Democrat Gut Punches

FACT-O-RAMA! Your blue-haired, testicle-hating yobbo-in-laws bought Teslas to "save the climate" but now torch them because they are brainless slaves to communism. It's that simple.

To the untrained eye, the Tesla protests may come across as a "national wave of indignation," but behind every protest sign is either a virtue-hungry robo-commie or a well-paid malcontent demi boi in nylons who prefers to do a whoopsie in a litter box.

FACT-O-RAMA! The ex-wife of a billionaire Karla Jurvetson donated $500,000 to a group of anarchists calling themselves Indivisible Action. They are one of five groups of well-paid hoons who hoover up a lot of bacon to burn, shoot, and destroy Tesla cars, dealerships and charging stations. In short, the protests are not a reflection of the nation's temper; it's all about the money.


That isn't to say there aren't lone-wolf incels who wouldn't happily draw a swastika on a cybertruck pro bono.  

The left-wingers who call us "Nazis" while terrorizing Jews are an especially entertaining lot. That's about as clever as forming a cluster of livid dopes called "Vegans for Steaks," "Prostitutes for Virginity," or "Queers for Palestine."

FACT-O-RAMA! When Muslims aren't terrorizing Jewish people, they murder gay men "for their own good."

Related: Here's the Dirty Little Secret Behind the Democrats' Collapse

I don't think anything tickles my ribs quite like learning that Columbia University actively sought anarchist tutees to break the school's windows and chase down their Jewish students, all of which hilariously cost the school $400 million in federal cheddar thus far and might gouge them for billions more.

Work for professional anarchists is booming these days. Just as they kick back after a long, pleasing day of Tesla arson, they will get an email from the Marxists who like to scream at carefully placed news cameras to keep Venezuelan rapists and murderers from being sent back home.


LAUGH-O-RAMA! What's funnier than Joe Biden's biggest donors paying wroth frondeurs to wave signs and scream at "Genocide Joe?"

What have we learned? Take the quiz!

The nuns at Saints Peter and Paul Elementary School in Detroit showed me that a pop quiz can determine what we did/didn't learn. Either way, no erasers will be thrown — with alarming accuracy— at your face for wrong answers:

Why are the pinkos burning, shooting, shouting, and looting at Tesla dealerships across the nation? 

a) Because they care about the future of the United States of America.

b) They are the true patriots and we on the right are the real animals.

c) Because they are weak, easily controlled communist booger people who endeavor to enslave we the people to make up for the fact that bottom-feeding underachievers are paid.

Let's have some fun at the expense of the lefty dunder butts who protest Elon Musk for saving the nation billions of dollars.

What's better than plying bozos with a James Bond-like smoke screen:

What's that, you want more funny?

Liberals are about as amusing as jock itch. Check out the latest video from our patriotic friends at Jokes and a Point. 


As liberals cry into their gluten-free White Claws, patriots know how to have a laugh.

Maybe even hit "like" and "subscribe." We patriots should always support one another.

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