Another day, another story about the Democrats suffering a total loss of confidence with the American people. My black, shriveled heart is pumping pure schadenfreude these days, particularly right now as it occurs to me the core problem vexing today's Donks.
They got what they wanted.
Democrats weaponized the federal bureaucracy against the president who was elected to run it, handicapping the implementation of his policies and eventually helping to drive him from office. The Bad Orange Man was out of office, presumably forever, once the weaponized judiciary was done with him.
They installed a puppet in the Oval Office, one who would sign pretty much anything they put in front of him... even if they had to have him do it by autopen.
They jacked up peacetime federal spending to wartime levels while opening up the southern border to everyone from legitimate refugees (I'll stipulate there were at least a few in the mix) to sex traffickers to cartels to actual terrorists.
They got their Green New Deal via the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, funneling a trillion dollars to Democrat-affiliate "winners" whose products would be mandated on buyers while handicapping the losers with crushing regulations.
They took Iran off the Naughty List, helped turn Europe's worst war in 80 years into an overlong grift-fest, and showed enough daylight between Washington and Jerusalem to make the Oct. 7 terror invasion nearly inevitable.
They got men's sexually aberrant behavior — a predatory form of autogynephilia (and not to be confused with genuine gender dysphoria) — elevated to "the civil rights issue of our time," as Joe Biden put it on several occasions.
All the while, Democrats' most important constituencies in education, entertainment, and the media enjoyed a flood of unaccountable dollars from the American taxpayers. All they had to do was breathlessly repeat — and in the case of inconvenient truths like the Hunter Biden laptop or COVID's leaky lab origin — enforce the party line.
They even got the GOP House to play along for the second half of Biden's term by locking in Democrat spending priorities with a series of continuing resolutions.
I could go on. And on. But you get the point.
It must be a helluva thing to bask in wonderment at your successes only to have them fully rejected by the voters. Meanwhile, they keep prattling on about how Trump — with a big assist from Elon Musk — is destroying our precious democracy.
"There is no constitutional crisis other than the Democrats lost," Legal Insurrection's William Jacobson said last month. "They are trying to create a constitutional crisis by having the judiciary and the federal district courts assume control of the executive branch.”
Because Muh Democracy™.
"In the most striking read on the pulse of America, the Democratic Party's favorability rating has collapsed by a whopping 20 percentage points in just four years, and now stands at just 29%," according to a CNN report mentioned today by Zero Hedge. "That's the lowest in the history of CNN's poll, which goes back to 1992. NBC News had a similar reading: 27% positive against 55% negative."
It wasn't that long ago — just 2008 with the ascension of the Anointed One, Barack Obama — that Democrats enjoyed a whopping 60% approval.
All because they finally got almost everything they ever wanted.
None of this should be taken to mean that everything is rosy for the GOP. President Donald Trump is playing a high-stakes game with the economy, betting that we can ween ourselves off our addiction to multitrillion-dollar deficits and return to genuine economic growth before the midterms. He needs support on taxes and spending from a recalcitrant and bitterly divided Congress, too. If the payoff doesn't come before the midterms, the slender GOP House majority could get slaughtered.
So believe me when I tell you I'm not getting uppity about the Democrats' prospects. But I'd be lying — after all the damage done these last few years — if I told you I wasn't enjoying seeing them finally hoist by their own petard.
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