Tin Foil Haturday, Did Zelenskyy Sabotage the Meeting to Appease the Globalists? Roll the Tape....

AP Photo/ Mystyslav Chernov

One hopes that by now, you've had the chance and time to watch the first 40 or so minutes of the Oval Office meeting that ended with the one-two clown-slapping beatdown that Vice President Vance and President Trump gave to former Golden Boy Vlad Zelenskyy.


FACT-O-RAMA! The Operation Mockingbird media mudpuppies did everything possible to portray Zelenskyy as the underdog warrior who defiantly stood up to Russia's Vlad Putin, including pushing videos of Hollywood "elites" who traveled to Ukraine to meet with Zelenskyy, allegedly being paid to do so by USAID, though Ben Stiller and many left wing news outlets suggest this is a lie made up by "Russian media."

The meeting appears to be going along swimmingly until Zelenskyy, appallingly, seems to sabotage the whole thing as he goes after Vance for suggesting diplomacy is the answer to the Ukraine/Russia war.

Vance lays down the first verbal wallop with a fistful of common sense, which he follows up by accusing Zelenskyy of being ungrateful for the massive financial support sent to Ukraine by the U.S.

Trump works as "the closer" and loudly reminds Zelenskyy that he doesn't have "the cards" to finish the war and that he better take the deal Trump can negotiate for him.

PRAVDA-O-RAMA!  Many of the lefty-wingbat news outlets reporting that the story about USAID paying Ben Still and various other actors to visit Zelenskyy is Russian propaganda also assured us that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation."

It looked to me as if Zelensky purposely threw a monkey wrench into a meeting meant to bring peace to Ukraine, but why?

For starters, peace isn't prosperous, and those military-industrial complex ghouls want their cheddar, as do a lot of Washington, D.C. swamp wigglers who are expecting some of that cash to find its way back to mostly Democratic Party swine who are getting shady donations through ActBlue.


It occurred to me that perhaps Zelenskyy is standing firm with the globalists who helped initiate the war between Russia and Ukraine.

FACT-O-RAMA! In his book, Follow the Money, Dan Bongino wrote about Ukraine being a corrupt, money-laundering swamp nation.

When the lizard people come to your defense, including jingomaniac Liz Cheney, it becomes apparent that Zelenskyy would prefer to receive billions of dollars instead of stopping Ukrainian men from dying.

Nancy Pelosi put down the Grey Goose long enough to back up Zelenskyy's attempt to keep the war going.

Speaking of globalist reptiles, Zelenskyy's next stop after being booted from the White House was with the man currently allowing Muslims to destroy his nation, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who was happy to promise "full backing" to Zelenskyy so that Ukraine can continue to fight — and lose — its war with Russia.


     RELATED: An Idiot's Guide to Why Russia and Ukraine Are Fighting

POUNDS-O-RAMA! If you thought the U.S. was the only nation sending mad stacks to Ukraine, check out how much the UK admits to sending to Zelenskyy. I say "admits" because the true number could be way higher. I tend not to trust globalist yobbos who seek to cash in on war.

Trump is talking about ending the war that is grinding Ukraine's male population into hamburger. But Zelenskyy has rich friends who want to keep their money laundering operations intact.  

If you watch the whole tape, it seems pretty obvious that Zelenskyy chose to sabotage the Oval Office meeting to stand with the animals funding the profitable war that Zelenskyy obviously can't win.


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