
Guerrillas in Our Midst: How Our Lickspittle Leaders Are Kissing up to the New World Order

Image prompted by the author with a licensed copy of AI Arta.

If you want to know which flavor of skullduggery the Democrats are up to, just listen to what they accuse their political foes of doing. Lately, the Democrats are screeching that Trump is going to do away with the Constitution, lock up his adversaries, and will be a "dictator" if he is elected.

FACT-O-RAMA! Democrats dodged the Constitution by hiring Jack Smith to persecute Donald Trump and by trying to "forgive" student debt. They imprisoned Trump cronies Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Allen Weisselberg, dozens of J6ers, and a bushel of pro-lifers, including a 75-year-old woman in a wheelchair, as they try to imprison Trump himself with a laundry list of Stalinicious charges.

I've noticed a hillock of evidence showing that Washington, D.C., swamp wigglers, mostly Democrats but also a smattering of RINOs, getting cozy with the World Economic Forum (WEF), China, Iran, and even Old Gooseberry himself, Vlad Putin, all of which some well-coiffed pundits believe to be part of the New World Order (NWO).

Whenever I talk about the communists trying to enslave We the People, most folks scoff at the idea of a New World Order. When they do that, I direct them to this page by the World Economic Forum (WEF), explaining that Americans need to hurry up and recognize the need for a New World Order, cleverly disguised by referring to it as the "New Global Order."

After five paragraphs about how China is leading the world in every manner (please ignore the tyranny that Chinese people endure every day), the China-loving WEF states the following (emphasis added):

All the while, the west seems to be asleep at the wheel. There is a certain irony in our current predicament. On the one hand, the world is experiencing unparalleled levels of prosperity and connectivity, due in no small part to the US-backed global liberal order. Yet these advances are associated with ever greater complexity and systemic risks, increasing the liberal order's vulnerability to collapse. The world's global and national institutions are increasingly incapable of managing stresses to the system. Democracies, it turns out, lack the incentive systems to address higher-order and longer-term imperatives.

In case you're wondering when "climate change," the mother of all means of control, appears in this anti-democracy codswallop, here it is (emphasis added):

Faced with threats ranging from climate change to massive technological advancement, the world is in desperate need of stable and able global governance. And yet there is surging opposition to liberal governance due to rising inequalities and frustration with the perceived failures of the liberal order. Francis Fukuyama and Jan-Werner Müller view populism and the rise of parochial economic nationalism as among the gravest threats to future stability. The risk of a disorderly collapse of the system is more real than ever.

As president, Trump didn't play well with the globalists. He backed out of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Paris Agreement, sending cloud-hugging prairie fairies into a tizzy.

FACT-O-RAMA! Climate harpy Greta Thunberg is an activist, not a scientist. We shouldn't take her seriously, especially now that she has switched from tree-hugging to Jew-hating.

Back when I was a New York City libdolt, I remember wondering why Bill Clinton not only signed on to NAFTA, which some believe cost the U.S.A. jobs and stagnated wages, but also sold a sophisticated missile guidance system to China, considering we would be the adversary most likely to have those missiles guided into our cities.

I can't say Slick Willie Clinton was the first apparatchik-American to kiss the bahookie of China and the globalists, but he is the first I can recall (please feel free to let me know what George H. W. Bush may have contributed down in the comments).

Bill wasn't the only Clinton to throw a bone to our frenemies/future NWO co-leaders. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton sold a mountain of uranium to Russia's Vlad Putin as piles o'cash just happened to flow into the Clinton Foundation, as well as a $500,000 kiss to Bill Clinton to give a speech.

REMINDER-O-RAMA! The Democrats cried "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" for years after Trump beat Hillary in the 2016 election, but the Operation Mockingbird media mopes didn't seem all that interested in Hillary's shady dealings with Russia, including allegedly helping the Russians develop hypersonic missile technology. Remember, the Democrats always accuse their enemenies of whatever chicanery they are engaged in.

Let's also remember that Barack Obama secretly sent $1.7 billion in cash to his frenemies in Iran, a nation with a history of funding terrorism and the charming habit of chanting "Death to America." This sum includes the $400 million he sent Iran to free four hostages. Then there is the $278 million the U.S. gave to Iran in 1991 (hey, there's my George H. W. Bush-Iran link after all!).

When Trump was president, globalist cat's paw and climate yobbo John Kerry made an eerie trip to speak with Iranian nobs, allegedly to undermine Trump's attempt to deal with them himself. Whatever Kerry had to say to the Iranians was apparently not fit for an email.

Let's also remember that Congress found that Joe Biden hoovered in roughly $27 million in bribes from a list of countries that include Ukraine, China, and Russia.

Democrats aren't the only stains rubbing shoulders with — and making money from — countries that we consider enemies and may one day nuke us into dust. Mitch McConnell has "allegedly" spent his career lining his Depends with Chinese yen.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao, and her family own a shipping company that only exists because the Chinese government not only allows it to but also bankrolled some of the ships that Chao's company used.

In his book" "Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends," author Peter Schweizer alleges that McConnell, once a critic of China, was invited by one of Chao's Commie-linked kin to attend a meeting with a high-ranking Chinese commie named Jiang Zemin, who allegedly told McConnell to pipe down about China, which he obeisantly did.

Schweizer writes:

As the Chaos and the Chinese government went into business together, the Chaos-McConnells tied their economic fate to the good fortunes of Beijing. Were McConnell to critique Beijing aggressively or support policies damaging to Chinese interests, Beijing could severely damage the family’s economic fortunes.

What have we learned?

We've learned that there is a history of sleazy, back-door dealings between the good-for-nothing Uniparty tricksters and nations we consider to be potential nuclear threats. Now, why would they do that? Is it just for the money? Or is the work of the NWO already underway? 

Related: Global Islamic Communism — It's What's for Dinner

I suspect your rainbow-haired, gender-anonymous gorgon-in-laws don't have PJ Media VIP subscriptions and likely will not see this article. Feel free to send them this video of the WEF "predicting" that a New World Order will rule the planet by 2030.

And yes, the United Nations is also calling on the world to "broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance" on page 30, goal 16.8.

The globalists are in control of the WEF, the WHO, the UN, and most likely the International Monetary Fund (IMF). And who knows, maybe even the European Union.

The New World Order isn't a conspiracy theory, nor is it a prediction. It's real, and it's happening now. Keep that in mind in November.


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