Why It's OK to Throw Your Blue-Haired Pinko-in-Law Out of Your Life for Good

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

I've gotten over the "turn the other cheek" approach when it comes to dealing with Marxists I am somehow still friendly with.

I used to find self-respect in my belief that I was open-minded enough to hobnob with people who have differing political viewpoints. I'm over that now.


The political views that once divided us were usually, at least, Constitutional. Today, a huge chunk of the nation is happy to vote for a party that has:

  • been busted spying on the Trump campaign
  • censored Americans who think for themselves
  • allowed a Chinese spy balloon to fly over our military bases
  • taken mad stacks from nations around the world

FACT-O-RAMA! The House Oversight Committee determined that the Biden Crime Family hoovered roughly $27 million from nations including China, Russia, and Ukraine.

  • illegally destroyed J6 evidence before Republicans could have a look at it
  • allowed street animals to riot and burn their own toilet towns
  • tried to force us to get a bogus vaccine
  • redefined the word "vaccine" because it didn't work
  • illegally persecuted their leading political opponent with bogus show trials 

If I were a petty man I would also add there is also a ton of evidence that President Figer-diddle, Gropey Joe Biden, showered with his young daughter Ashley. Am I that petty?

PETTY MAN-O-RAMA! Ashley Biden's diary mentions taking "probably not appropriate" showers with her dad, Joe Biden. The lefty loonies tried to pretend the diary wasn't hers, yet the FBI kicked in the doors of journalists who had seen it. Weird, right?

     RELATED: The Self-Destruction of America's First Family

Like you, I've been called a racist, bigot, and this-and-that-ophobe because I refuse to be one of those easily controlled jackpuddings who swallow and regurgitate Marxist codswallop, such as "men can give birth."


FACT-O-RAMA! "White Dudes for Harris" put the "men" in menstruate.

I've decided I will no longer "tolerate" people who believe I am Old Gooseberry himself because I think it's sick to ginsu a teen lad's genitals into Play-Doh.

FACT-O-RAMA! The LGBT movement began by asking for “tolerance.” Then they wanted “acceptance.” Now they insist we straight men Drive Mr. Daisy or else the gaystapo will shriek “TRANSPHOBE!” at me as I walk by with my very real Puerto Rican fiancé.

As a former New York City liberal, I know the crushing pressure your screeching, man-bunned clown-in-law feels when it comes to obeisance to the narrative. In the world of the libs, thinking for oneself means complete ostracization. Zhe will no longer be invited to drink with Friday's after-work appletini posse. And forget about hooking up with that flocculent-nostrilled, fubsy Madison chick, who has insisted everyone call her "Mad" since she got that tattoo of George Floyd across her forehead. 

I am over the days of "tolerating" a person whose political views include sending me to a gulag for walking the "wrong way" down the aisle at Kroger during a fictitious pandemic. 

I haven't seen a Harris-Walz yard sign in my hood  -- though I find new Trump flags every day -- but if I did see one I would know that the person who posted it plans to vote for open borders, more crime, inflation, the end of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and perhaps the death of our Republic. How can I "tolerate" a communist? I can't.


There are two groups now: patriots and poltroons. And We the People don't have time for those lazy yet haughty, apolitical "I dont care about politics, I think BOTH sides suck" losers who glissade their way through life, offering criticisms but never answers. Enjoy your cricket smoothie, milksop, you were too cool to vote when you had the chance. 

This is likely our last opportunity to preserve the Constitution with a vote. 

Trump is surging in almost every poll. People are waking up. Get your "normie" friends into the fight.

When it comes to fighting tyranny, we Americans are undefeated. Let's not be the first generation to drop that ball. If we do, it will have been our final battle.

Now let's have some fun.

Our friends at Jokes and a Point have a new video you'll want to see. Remember, we conservatives know how to have fun. Progressives are joyless, soap-dodging dime museums who move to my home state of Michigan because the recyclable cans are worth 10 cents not 5 cents, thus doubling their income for a day's work.

Check this out and please leave a like and hot that follow button. We are on the same side after all.



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