Pinko Patrol With KDJ: Hey, Teacher, Leave Those Patriotic Kids Alone!

AP Photo/Eric Gay, File

Another day, another opportunity to weed out the feculence known as Marxism which has insidiously taken over every institution in America. It used to be more difficult to locate the communists, but these days they stick out like a pimple on prom night.


By now you likely know that the commie stains have achieved most of their 45 goals of communism as entered into the Congressional record in 1963. Today, we are going to focus on goal #17: Get control of the schools and use them as transmission belts for communist and socialist propaganda.

I wrote about a filthy, pro-Antifa Marxist teacher three years ago who admitted on hidden camera that he publicly shamed his students into becoming communist thugs. The school district that employed this miscreant paid rewarded him with three years' salary to go away. I have no idea if another school has hired him to continue his dedication to commie goal #17.

Related: Antifa AP Government Teacher Brags About Indoctrinating Kids, Turning Them Into 'Revolutionaries'

FACT-O-RAMA! A friend's dad who lived in communist Poland once told me how he and his friends laughed with delight on March 5, 1953, the day they heard Stalin had died. A bolshie teacher screamed at them to "cry for Premier Stalin" lest their parents get a visit from the not-so-secret Soviet police.

Brainwashing kids doesn't just come from the communist curriculum of scumbag tovarish teachers. A high school senior in the blood-red state of Oklahoma was recently told he couldn't fly Old Glory from his truck, for "safety" reasons. In a show of support, a parade of vehicles flying the Stars and Stripes showed up to support the student and his 1st Amendment right to fly our flag.


A high school in Indiana — also a red state — also banned a student from flying the flag on his truck, once again for "safety." Not to mention, it might inspire other students to fly flags that “are seen as offensive." Support grew for the young man. People hoisted our flag on their vehicles. Even better, a company called GCI Digital gave the student a free American flag wrap on his pickup.

The lickspittle school principal crumbled and "allowed" students to express their 1st Amendment rights to fly a flag. How kind.

Things don't always go well for students who exercise their Constitutional right to Free Speech. A seventh grader in Massachusetts — where the first serious battles of the American Revolution took place — was told he couldn't wear a t-shirt that read, "There Are Only Two Genders" and was sent home.

Hilariously, he showed up a month later wearing the same shirt but with the words "two genders" hidden under a piece of paper that read "censored.


After over a year of legal battles, a three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit in Boston decided unanimously that the school was right to eject the kid. "Precisely because the message was reasonably understood to be so demeaning of some other students’ gender identities," the court ruled, "there was the potential for the back-and-forth of negative comments and slogans between factions of students that could lead to a deterioration in the school’s ability to educate its students."

PINKO-RAMA! A California judge ruled that a seven-year-old girl was "too young" to have First Amendment rights when the student innocently made an "any lives matter" painting and was severely punished by her teacher.


The war on student patriotism — and sanity — couldn't be clearer.

The communists know the future of their rancid ideology lies in brainwashing our kids and grandchildren. Why would we let them do that? It's time to fight back.

It's time to teach the Marxian clowns a lesson: free speech isn't going away.

Show them you mean business by joining the PJ Media VIP army. Click HERE, and I bet my wonderful editors will throw you a tasty discount to get into the fight for our Constitutional rights and those of our kids, who are NOT too young for First Amendment liberties.

Hey editors, can we throw a discount to some new Free Speech Warriors?

Editor's note: Use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for a 50% discount on your new annual VIP membership.

BAM! See? Told ya!

Roll up your sleeves: the fight is now, not later.


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