Tim Walz, a Jihadi Cleric, and Hitler Walk Into a Bar...

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

The Washington Examiner is reporting that Tim Walz, the 100% pure communist who wants to be our next vice president, has some explaining to do, and I don't mean his bogus military career.


Walz rubbed his globalist shoulders with those of Asad Zaman, the Imam of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota no less than five times beginning in 2019. Both men attended a few public events together, giving speeches and in one case calling for "peace" during the 2020 George Floyd riots that Walz allowed to take place. Zaman even whooped it up at a Ramadan bash that Walz threw for his Muslim chums back in 2019.

One of the problems I have with this bromance is that Zaman believes that Hamas's October 7 raid on Israel was a real hootenanny. Here is a snippet of his Facebook post from Oct. 7, 2023:

MAS reaffirms its unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their struggle against the Israeli occupation. Israel's recent unprovoked attacks on Palestinian areas have claimed numerous lives, including innocent civilians, including children, women, and the elderly. The inhumane blockade of Gaza violates international law and must be condemned.

Israeli occupation? Apparently the Imam "forgot" that Israel pulled out of Palestine in 2005. Zaman has also posted anti-Israel propaganda.

FACT-O-RAMA! One of the unrealized benefits of Free Speech is that we can learn who the haters are by what they post, especially hatred. If there is a Hitler youth miscreant in my neighborhood, I'd like to know.


"But KDJ," you might say, "those events and parties happened before HamaNazis hang-glided their way into Israel to rape and murder unarmed Israeli civilians. It's not fair to judge Walz on this friendship."

Yeah, but I'm not done.

Zaman also wet his sandals in 2015 — long before Walz and Zaman seemingly met — over a pro-Hitler propaganda film called The Greatest Story Never Told

FACT-O-RAMA! Most people are unaware that the Nazis employed legions of Muslim soldiers to abuse and murder Jews in WWII.

Remember, the left always accuses conservatives of doing what they are doing, so when they accused us of being "white supremacists" I knew something sinister was brewing.

Here is another:

Even the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) doesn't like Zaman.

“He also has justified violence against Israel, including from terror groups,” an ADL spokesperson told the Washington Examiner. “Given his hurtful remarks post-Oct. 7, and absent any recognition of the pain he has caused the Jewish community, we urge all public officials and leaders to avoid meeting with him in the future. Those who have met with Imam Zaman should clarify that they don’t agree with his toxic views about Jews and the Jewish state.”


Walz and Zaman aren't just "bros." As governor of Minnesota, Walz gave Zaman's Muslim American Society of Minnesota mad stacks totaling roughly $100,000.

Related: Walz Claimed Hamas Doesn’t Represent Palestinians. He’s Wrong.

Whereas peace-loving Americans would consider Walz's cozy relationship with a pro-Hitler, pro-terrorism animal to be repugnant, Arab and Muslim voters may see Walz as an ally against Israel and Jews worldwide, which could be why Kamala Harris dodged Josh Shapiro, the Jewish governor of Pennsylvania, as a running mate for a man who swiped right on a tyrant.


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